Episode Shadow

859 13 17

A month before Eggman took over the world...

Rouge: Shadow, We've got a report from the Intelligence Division. They've located an unknown base of operations that seems to be totally outside the chain of command for Eggman's army. There's a large-scale troop presence. Suspiciously large for a place with no strategic value.

Shadow: I can't imagine the doctor would do something like that without reason.

Rouge: No kidding. And there's a rumor going around that ol' rotten Eggman has been developing, so...

Shadow: Yeah. Looks like this won't be your garden variety recon mission. I'll check it out and report back what I find.

Rouge: Do it to it, Shadow. Omega went on ahead of you, so you can link up with him on-site.

Shadow: Went in guns blazing I assume? Hmph. I'm more than enough on my own. I'll handle things my way.

Rouge: Omega said the same thing. You two go together like and hot dogs!

Shadow: Cut the chatter. I'm on my way.

Episode Shadow Act 1 begins. After speeding through Enemy Territory (now more expanded) Shadow meets up with Omega who is barely functioning and near shut down.

Shadow: Omega!

Omega: *static* -destroy all Eggman robots. Shadow- *static* -too strong. *static*

Infinite: Hahaha. The world's most powerful Badnik is no more a challenge than Crabmeat. As I suspected, this power is without peer. It is the ultimate strength! Ah, and still more wonderful, a not-so-tall, dark and brooding guest has arrived. I've been waiting for you, Shadow.

Shadow: Tell me what you did to Omega, you creep.

Infinite: Weaklings like him are of no consequence. Come now, Shadow. If you truly are the Ultimate Lifeform as you say you are... then show me your power.

Infinite powers up an attack but Shadow goes after him and as the 2 clash, Shadow uses Chaos Control which interferes with the Ruby Accidentally sending them to Eggman's base in the Mystic Jungle.

Episode Shadow Act 2, Eggman's Facility starts but it's a much better level. Shadow goes through the Jungle as Infinite tries to attack him, manipulating reality, but Shadow manages to dodge his attacks and get through.

 Shadow goes through the Jungle as Infinite tries to attack him, manipulating reality, but Shadow manages to dodge his attacks and get through

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The level ends with a Quick Time Event that has you boost through a giant snake and kick Infinite, sending him crashing to the ground.

Shadow: Hmph. I thought this would be a challenge.

Infinite is laughing and gets up unscathed.

Shadow: What?

Infinite: I'll admit, Shadow...you're stronger than I gave you credit for... even so...your strength is nothing compared to mine. Thanks to this limitless power I've obtained, I have become unstoppable! And you... you are just another annoying pest standing in my way.

The Phantom Ruby is activated, throwing Shadow into a distorted world.

Shadow: UGH!

Episode Shadow Act 3, Virtual Reality begins. The next level is not Green Hill, but instead, Infinite taunts Shadow with places and voices from his past. This stage incorporates the ARK, Radical Highway, and Westopolis. Rouge, Omega, Sonic, and Maria can be heard in the background, confusing and taunting him. The level ends and a boss battle begins; Infinite creates a Phantom Biolizard that Shadow must fight

Once it's defeated, the world returns to the enemy territory base

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Once it's defeated, the world returns to the enemy territory base. At this point, Shadow is exhausted and a bit scuffed up.

Shadow: Ngh. *panting* What? Where? I'm... back here? No. Is this an illusion?

Infinite: This is reality, Shadow. Your reality. I didn't expect to see you come back alive, but you must admit, it was a truly wonderful show, wasn't it? Haha... Just as I thought. This power...it is unrivaled! Not even will be able to stand against me now! Hahaha HAHAHAHAHA!

Shadow: Sonic!? What are you plotting?

Infinite: The end of an Era... Soon, this world will be broken and born anew-*charges up a blast*-but that doesn't concern you now, does it?

Infinite expands the orb which begins sucking in everything around, like a black hole. Shadow attempts to escape using Chaos Control, but Infinite manages to use the Ruby to counter it.

Shadow: What?!

Infinite: That trick won't work this time.

Infinite kicks him hard, knocking them both out of the Chaos Control state. Shadow hits the ground, weakened and in awe of how Infinite could counter his trademark ability.

Infinite: Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.

Infinite charges up another blast and sends Shadow flying into null space as the vortex closes.

Infinite: Hehehehehe... HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha...

Rouge: *on a comlink, left on the ground* Shadow?! Shadow! Get away from there! There's- *static* -a trap it's-!

There's nothing but static on the other end and the screen fades to black.

After this, Team Dark is separated. Rouge loses contact with Shadow, who is trapped in Nullspace. Rouge works with the resistance, while Omega is offline and broken down somewhere in a destroyed Sunset Heights.

Continue to the beginning of the game...

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