Acts 5-8

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After being successfully defeated by Sonic, Zavok struggles to catch his breath before he collapses to the ground and his body shatters red before Sonic's eyes.

Sonic: Woah. Where'd he go? Hmm, something's up and I got to figure out what.

Some minor shaking occurs, nearly knocking Sonic off balance.

Sonic: Whoa! It's not time for thinking. It's time for running!

He starts running and leaps off the platform he fought Zavok on. Act 5 Egg Gate begins and is pretty similar to the official level, but longer and more expansive.

Meanwhile, Buddy is holding his own against a squad of badniks, but stumbles and falls. Sonic arrives and easily destroys them, saving him and making a dramatic entrance. Sonic lands in front of Buddy.

Sonic: Easy there! Everything's cool.

Sonic extends his hand and helps him up.

Buddy: Thanks I-... Woah. Y-You're Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic: Heh, the one and only. Anyway, are you here to rescue me?

Buddy: Y-Yes sir. Buddy the Wolf, resistance member, here to help!

Sonic: Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's been a while since I've seen a friendly face.

Knuckles: *on communicator* Hey rookie, you still in one piece? What's going on?

Buddy: You won't believe who I've found sir.

Sonic: *Sarcastically* Oh, sure Knux, don't even bother to ask how I am.

Amy: *on communicator* S-Sonic? OH MY GOSH, SONIC! YOU'RE ALIVE!

Sonic: *shocked* Amy?

Amy: Knuckles did you hear that?! It's Sonic! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! MY SONIC IS ALIVE!!!

Knuckles: *Over radio* Hold up, Amy. We're all happy Sonic is alive! But he won't be for long if he doesn't get off that egg in a hurry.

Sonic: Is there an exit around here?

Buddy points to a nearby Eggman Fleet shuttle preparing to depart the Death Egg's hangar on a turntable.

Sonic: Good to hear you again too, Knux. It's been a while man.

Knuckles: I'm just glad to see my best friend's still alive. Now get your blue butt back here safe!

Sonic runs on ahead as Buddy reaches out after him with a surprised gasp before running after him. Sonic and Buddy board the stolen shuttle and escape the Death Egg.

Back at the resistance base, Sonic meets up with his friend again, all of them celebrating to find that Sonic is still alive. The Chaotix dogpile him.

Sonic: Aw, c'mon you guys!

Knuckles: Sonic, finding you alive is the best news we've had in months!

Sonic: Happy to see you guys are all still alive and kicking, but I gotta ask; what happened here? I've been locked up in a cell for the last year so I might've missed some stuff.

Silver: Eggman created some kind of new weapon that's more powerful than all of us combined. Now he's taken over most of the world. Whatever it is, it's affected my future as well. The world's become all glitchy and distorted. So I used the future Chaos Emeralds to travel back and figured out how to stop whatever happened here. 

Espio: Did you find out anything during your time on the Death Egg? Any intel or anything on Eggman's new weapon?

Sonic: Well...what I do know is that he's strong. Eggman's monster managed to beat me in my Super State. All I really remember after that is getting knocked out and spending a few months sitting in a cage and getting knocked around by Eggman's goons occasionally. Then I fought Zavok and he disappeared after I beat him.

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