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The core Resistance members are gathered after the battle, facing Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic begins to fade in and out, as the Ruby's power is what was keeping him here. Silver begins to fade as well.

Silver: Looks like this is it, guys. 

Tails: I guess this is goodbye. Get home safely, Sonic- *Classic Sonic and Tails shake hands* -and thanks for everything!

Sonic: You too Silver. We couldn't have pulled that off without you. 

Silver nods as he and Sonic fist bump. He looks over at Shadow, who signals him goodbye with two fingers. Silver returns the gesture and Shadow smirks. Classic Sonic gives Tails a thumbs up and a smile. He looks at the others, who also bid him farewell.

Classic Sonic: It's been, real guys. Thanks for everything. And next time, try not to let Robuttnik take over.

Tails laughs. Before leaving, Classic Sonic extends his arm to fist bump Tails and fades away smiling and waving. Tails weakly tries to grab him before he leaves but is too late. Silver fades as well, waving everyone goodbye. Sonic walks up and puts his hand on Tails' shoulder.

Sonic: Cheer up, Tails, I'm sure we'll run into him again.

He turns around to face the other Resistance members.

Sonic: Alright, guys! It's time we cleaned up the mess Eggman left this world in. We've still got a lot of work to do, so let's get to it.

All: Yeah!

Sometime after the final battle, all the resistance members are celebrating in the base.

Knuckles: Finally, an end to this endless battle. Things are looking pretty good now. Great work you guys!

Rouge: It's all thanks to you "commander".

They all laugh.

Knuckles: So...what exactly happened back there?

Sonic: It was crazy... we managed to use both the Chaos Emeralds and the Phantom Ruby at once... that power was... intense.

Shadow: But the Ruby is destroyed now. So is Mephiles. I doubt either will ever be a threat again.

Vector: So what happened to that Infinite guy anyway?

Sonic: Who knows? Once we destroyed the Ruby, Null Space collapsed in on itself. I'm not sure if he even survived.

They all keep talking when Sonic notices that Tails is being rather quiet. Sonic walks up to him.

Sonic: Yo Tails, you okay? You don't seem like yourself.

Tails: Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine.

Sonic: *sits* You don't seem fine. What's up?

Tails: *sigh* All of this happened because I didn't step up when Infinite showed up the first time. It's just making me think. 

Sonic: Tails, c'mon. Nobody blames you for what happened. 

Tails: I do... 

Sonic says nothing and simply hugs his brother.

Sonic: I know you've been through a lot, buddy. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. 

Tails: It's alright... but I need to tell you something... I'm gonna go away for a while. I wanna have my own adventures... and become stronger. Like you!

Sonic chuckles and pats his head.

Sonic: You've grown a lot since that day I found you fixing the Tornado. Go find your own adventure, but if you need me, you know where I'll be.

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