Acts 13-15

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The following takes place while Sonic was fighting the Phantom Shadow.

Knuckles: Listen up! We just got word that Eggman's forces are undermanned at his headquarters in Metropolis!

Espio: They're probably staging somewhere else as part of Eggman's plan. This could be our only chance to take the city.

Knuckles: Exactly! That's why we're focusing on a full-frontal assault on Metropolis! I'm calling it, "Operation Big Wave"!

Silver: Who cares what it's called? What's important is to have a well-thought-out strategy.

Knuckles: Here's the plan. We're going in hard and fast, and we're not going to stop till Eggman's army's destroyed and we've breached his defenses. Sonic is busy with Shadow, but the rest of us have a chance! We'll flank the city from all sides. If we can overwhelm the enemy and take Metropolis, we'll have one of Eggman's biggest bases of operations. We've got the strength and the spirit to win. There's no finer group that I'd want to fight with.

Vector: Ha! Great speech! Let's give Eggman an old-fashioned beat down!

Tails: They have more in sheer numbers, but the idea of a quick, focused attack isn't bad. We also have Sonic-- I mean, the other Sonic-- so I have no doubt we can do this! And, if we can destroy the Phantom Ruby, we should be able to send the other Sonic home! At least I hope so... this is all new territory for me...

Knuckles: Okay, let's head straight for Eggman's HQ! Time to save the world, people!

Act 13, Capital City begins. They all rush through the city, but none of them are a match for the Phantom Ruby's power. Infinite creates monstrous versions of himself as well as modified E-100 Units to guard the city. Throughout the attack, only Buddy is still going. Meanwhile, Infinite is overlooking the city, thinking and monologuing to himself.

Infinite: It's just as he planned. Their petty resistance is nothing compared to my might... soon all of this suffering will end and a new age will begin. 

Just then, Infinite hears the same mysterious voice in his head from before.

???: *in his head* Do not underestimate your enemy. With Sonic back in the picture-

Infinite: Sonic couldn't touch me before. He is not something to be concerned with.

???: The hedgehog has proven to be an unstoppable force time and time again. I know that first hand. Underestimating him is a grave mistake. Almost as much as failing me. 

Infinite: *readjusting his mask* I assure you. I will not fail. 

Buddy walks by, only to notice Infinite, causing them to freeze in fear as Infinite takes notice of them.

Infinite: Hello? What is this? One of those resistance members... all alone.

Buddy starts to back away in fear, only for Infinite to warp up next to him, shocking the latter and paralyzing them in abject terror.

Infinite: Ah, I remember you... Are you going to fight and die here? Or, run away in fear again?

Buddy with renewed confidence and a determined look on their face, steps up to Infinite and raises his fist against him.

Buddy: I'm not scared of you. I won't run from you again!

Infinite: *surprised* Fine. I will show you power you cannot possibly comprehend. Now come face me!

A boss fight with Infinite begins, similar to the original but in 3D with more space and deadlier obstacles. The battle ends when Infinite's health bar reached about 2%. Infinite throws three energy spheres at Buddy, but he barely dodges them and then glares angrily up at Infinite.

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