Acts 20 & 21

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Meanwhile in Null Space, Sonic is unconscious, having dreams and flashbacks about his fight with Infinite. He sees flashes of the Chaos Emeralds and the Phantom Ruby go by. He sees his friends falling one by one and him not having the power to stop it. Finally, he sees a pair of pink and green eyes. They look oddly familiar but Sonic can't put his finger on where he'd seen them before. Suddenly a voice begins laughing as a white beam is shot out towards him, stabbing Sonic in the chest, waking him from his nightmare.

Sonic: AH! Huh? Wha? Where are we?

He and Buddy look around and see that they're floating and look at all the distortion around them.

Sonic: Right, Null Space. A prison that goes on forever huh?

Buddy: What are we gonna do Sonic?

Sonic: First of all, don't panic. We gotta get back to the others and join the fight.

Buddy looks around and sees a small rift in the dimension.

Buddy: Sonic, look! Maybe we can escape through that!

Sonic: Right on, Rookie! Time to bust outta here.

Act 20, Null Space stage begins, with Sonic and Buddy having to dodge energy warps, black holes, bottomless pits, and energy spikes to reach the rift, and use the double boost to expand it and break free, from there the stage goes on like normal.

(something similar to this)

Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot are overlooking the Egg Fleet. Eggman laughs as he sees the resistance forces crashing down. Orbot sighs in boredom. Sonic and Buddy then arrive, having escaped null space. Orbot notices the duo and begins tapping Eggman's shoulder to get his attention.

Orbot: Excuse me? Boss?

Eggman finally glances over his shoulder and spots Sonic and Buddy out of the corner of his eye, causing him to wheel around to face them in absolute shock. He knocks Orbot away in disbelief.

Dr. Eggman: What!? It can't be! It's impossible to escape Phantom Ruby's null space!

Sonic: Looks like your inescapable prison could use some work. Besides, I had a little help from my friend. Something you wouldn't understand, since you don't have any friends!

Dr. Eggman: Grr... This changes nothing! Dr. Robotnik will still have the last laugh!

Eggman flies away in the Egg Mobile while Orbot and Cubot straggle along, but only after Orbot notices Cubot looking at Sonic and Buddy, and whacks him upside the head to tell him to follow the others.

Back at the resistance base, everyone is gathered together, trying to figure out what to do.

Knuckles: *bangs a table* RGH! Nothings working! We've got less than an hour before Eggman's plan goes down.

Shadow: There's no more time. We have to break into the fortress now.

Silver: Indeed, this is it; our last opportunity to bring peace back into the world. And if we don't stop him here and now, our future and our reality is doomed.

Knuckles: Exactly. We have to finish this now.

Amy: But how exactly do you plan that we win this?


Sonic: Do we have any kind of ace up our sleeve?

Knuckles: To be honest, no. Eggman has the Ruby and we still haven't found the Chaos Emeralds.

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