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"May I?" She gained her senses

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"May I?" She gained her senses. Well, partially.


He grinned again as though he found something interesting.

"The necklace," he was asking for her permission despite the fact that it was her who had asked him in the first place.

He looked lovely as usual. A black tux with a cute bow. His raven locks were slightly parted in the middle. His sharp nose crinkled as he spoke. With profound ravine dimples teasing his cheeks, his cat-like eyes twinkled with a glint of mischievousness. 

Her gaze was drawn to his soft lips that she was too tempted to kiss.

"With pleasure," she said with a pounding heart.

With the lovely necklace in his hands, he leaned in, slowly tilting his head till he reached her neck. Her neck was tickled by his breath. He looked up into her eyes and everything came to a halt. Their breaths. Their erratic heartbeats. Time seemed to tick away way too slowly. Faces breaths apart. One touch and she wouldn't be able to control herself.

It was too much to handle. She had never been in a situation like this before. Too close to him. Once again, the cold welcomed her but she didn't complain. She was used to it.

She shuddered as the cold tips of his fingers lightly brushed past her skin. Everything felt too euphoric and surreal at that moment. He was hovering over her small petite. Taking advantage of this, he leaned in closer to tease her patience. 

"H-Hurry up, Jungwon," she managed to let out. That's what she feared. She stuttered in front of him. Fate knows how to embarrass her in front of her lover and she knew that his beautiful face would be beaming by now.

"Just a moment. It's almost done." 

Only if he knew how much she'd have to suffer in that split second. It seemed as though he was struggling with the hook on purpose. Just a way to tempt her. After all, Yang Jungwon was just a temptation. But he wasn't a mere temptation to her. He meant much more to her. He was perfect in all ways. God made him just right. He was the one for her. Her only one.

"There. It's done." He said after the umpteenth millisecond, she spent trying to hold her breath. God knows how she controlled this hammering heart of hers. She feared if he could listen to her heart. But she did, however, want him to hear it. She wanted him to know how she felt about him. How he makes her heart race and makes her happy all the time. The way he flutters her heart just by revealing that beautiful, gentle smile of his. Or how the butterflies whirl around in the pit of her stomach when he calls her name. She was crazy. Crazy over him.

The metal was cold against her warm skin, and she pulled her scarf on tighter once the necklace was where it belonged. She smiled. 

"Thank you." 

Although she was dying inside, a part of her wanted him to stay. Wanted to feel his warmth again. He chuckled.

There was a moment of silence between them, a comfortable one where no one wants to say anything but to be lost in the eyes of each other.

She could see her reflection in his eyes. They twinkled under the moonlight. Standing too close to each other, uttering no word. She liked that. Even the silence seemed way soothing in his presence. Under the moonlight, his skin glowed. He appeared to be from another world. A world, where only flowers bloomed, and basked in their utter radiance.

"See you around, I guess." Oh no, not too fast. He leaned away from her. She didn't want him to leave. She made up her mind. She was going to profess her ardent love for him. Either they leave together, hands embracing each other. Or he leaves alone, without her.

With a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he began to slowly step backwards while facing her. Before she knew it, he had turned his back on her and faced the crowd from where the tree hid the scene very well. She couldn't let him go. Not again. She decided to let it all out today. Either he takes her hand in his or never does. She decided to call out for him before he could vanish somewhere in the crowd. Like he always does.

"Jungwon, wait!"

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