Sad life

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Chapter 6

Well, the 5sosfam is going ape shit because Ashton has a girlfriend apparently. fun. *note sarcasm*

So, I tried drawing an eye today. it turned out pretty good I guess. damn, I'm so fucking tired. and I have to pee. shit! Well I think I'm gonna get ready to go to sleep. Goodnight!
So it's fucking 8:50 am. I have to pee really bad. so I'm probably gonna get out of bed in a few. my mom has to go grocery shopping today and I'm probably going with her. I also have to shower today. and we're leaving soon so I'm gonna get up and get ready. today is gonna be fun. *note the sarcasm*

So for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal because I'm too lazy to cook. and we haven't left yet because my stupid brothers. good god could they please hurry up.

Today was fucking boring. I went grocery shopping with my mom, and she said she was gonna buy be some shorts. she bought me a pair that are so fucking ugly. we went to Wal-Mart and I found some shorts that look like swimming shorts but they're not.
My mom said they're too short and I wouldn't be able to wear them at camp.

I don't plan on wearing the shorts she bought because 1. They're ugly as shit. 2. I cut on my upper thighs and I don't want anyone to see. 3. I hate wearing shorts.
So I won't be wearing shorts at camp. I'll be wearing jeans most of the time. it's not like I'm gonna be doing anything anyways.

We have co-op tomorrow. after tomorrow only one more week of co-op. THANK GOD! That means I can sleep in on Fridays.

Co-op was okay I guess. my little brother Lucas has a Graduation thing tonight, fun.
I guess I can tell you what I'm wearing right now. So I'm wearing short shorts with purple tight things underneath, a blue v-neck tank shirt thing with a black undershirt. I was wearing my black combat boots. and I'm also wearing a Marvel lanyard that has a bunch of buttons on it.

I almost ate four slices of pizza. MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE!
Okay, uh... *awkward silence*

*Conversation with Jake*
Me: "ITS SO EARLY" "ITS 7:20 AM"
Jake: "Aww" "poor baby"
Jake: " )':" "I want pizza"
Me: "*sends pizza"
Jake: "yay"
Me: "pizza makes me happy"
Jake: "same"
*End of conversation so far*

I might take a nap before we go to the graduation thing. or I'll nap on the way there. either one sounds fine to me.

The graduation was fucking boring. after it was over we got to play on the play ground. (yes I know I'm almost 14 hush.) my mom made chicken and mashed potatoes for supper. it was okay I guess. well good night. my little brother has a T-ball game tomorrow. and I have to get up early, fun.

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