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AN: I didn't choose the Daredevil life, it definitely chose me. After Matt Murdock showed up on my screen once again I fell down the rabbit hole of rewatching the series and honestly this hot mess of a human being stole my whole heart so here this is. I hope you enjoy as much as I've enjoyed writing it.


She really didn't have to bribe her boss to let her come in a little later but bagels and coffee never hurt. While her best friends had been office hunting, she had been stuck at work. So when Shirley let her come in at 9 instead of 8 she jumped at the chance to finally check out the office the two had landed on. They had been in it for a couple of weeks now and they had been complaining about how she hadn't stopped by yet.

She had seen it over the weekend once and while they didn't have a whole lot of clients, they still teased her about never coming to visit during work hours. Especially after they hired Karen Page. So when things seemed to settle for a little bit at Metro-General, Evelyn talked her boss into letting her come in a little later than usual so she could get them off her back.

Evelyn Jones had been best friends with Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson since their freshman year of college. She, like the boys, grew up in Hell's Kitchen and dreamed of giving back to the community. So the fact that they finally had their own brick and mortar building made her quite excited for them. On top of that, they hired their first employee. She couldn't wait to meet her either, especially since she had quite the story of how she wound up working for Nelson and Murdock.

Just past the hardware store, Evelyn pulled the door that lay between the red pillars open. She was nothing but smiles as climbed the stairs. She was absolutely thrilled for her best friends and to see their dreams come true. Chuckling softly to herself at the paper sign taped to the door, she made the mental note to reach out to one of her contacts from her marketing side gig to see if she couldn't get them a better sign.

"Well, look who it is." Foggy smiled as Evelyn walked through the door. She easily returned his grin before he pulled her in for his infamous bear hug.

"Yeah, the boss let me come in a little late today as long as I bring breakfast." She said as she pulled back. "I had to finally see the new digs in daylight and meet Miss Page." She waved over to Karen as she turned to be more open to the room.

"It's not much to look at, or so I'm told." Matt quipped, leaning in the doorway to his office, a smirk on his features.

Evelyn shook her head with an amused smile as she went to go hug her other best friend. "Hi, Matty." She whispered with a touch of exasperation in her voice.

"Hi, Evie." He replied with full-blown smugness as he gave her a small squeeze. "Still questioning our friendship?" He continued to tease in the hopes of trying to cover up his wince from where the cut on his side had opened back up.

Pulling back, she cupped both sides of his face, a large grin stretched across her features as she scanned his. Something was up and she'd figure it out eventually. "Everyday." She answered with a laugh before letting go and taking in the office space fully.

"It is rather quaint." She said before turning to finally face the woman she had heard so much about.

"Oh c'mon, Eve. Quaint?" Foggy asked with a slight roll of his eyes while she introduced herself to Karen.

Nodding, she continued talking to Karen and apologized for any future shenanigans her friends pulled her into. "But I promise you're in good hands. I trust these two to the ends of the earth. However," she grabbed a pen and wrote her number down on a sticky note, "if you ever need me to get them in line, call me." She handed the yellow square over to Karen.

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