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AN: Apologies for the little bit of a wait. Vacation and Work Stuff ya know? Hopefully, I'll be able to do a couple more weekly updates before I move! So I hope you enjoy this extra long chapter to make up for it. Happy reading and thanks for all the love this has received already!


Evelyn slowly made her way back out into the living room, her eyes scanning over Matt's form to make sure that he was in fact really there. Her gaze lingered on his chest as she watched it move with each breath he took. He had once again returned to her half dead. She had an urge to scream and yell, telling him exactly what it did to her when she thought about the beatings he must have taken to get the injuries he sustained. But instead, she kept quiet, moved some of his hair off his forehead, and placed a kiss there. She'd yell at him when he woke up.

"Do you want a beer?" Foggy asked as she returned to her full height. He had been watching her and even though she clearly knew that their best friend was the man in the mask, she was as terrified as he was.

She shook her head as she came around into the kitchen. "I'll take a glass of water though."

He set his bottle down and filled a glass up from the tap. "How long have you known?" He asked as he handed the glass to her.

"Months now. He's only recently started to do this." She answered before taking a sip. When her stomach didn't roll as she was afraid it might, she took a larger gulp.

"And you didn't think to loop me in? What happened to us being the three musketeers?"

"It's not my story to tell and I didn't really know how." She shrugged slightly. "I found out in a similar way that you just did, actually. There was just less blood."

It was Matt's third outing. Evelyn called multiple times to check in on him. That morning he told her he thought he was coming down with a cold. She went over, a bag full of groceries that was perfect for when someone was sick, and found him sitting on his bed trying to patch himself up. There was a cut on his shoulder, just out of reach and she made him walk her through how to patch him up. She made him tell her the truth and promise he would always come back home.

"I thought you just worked on the admin side of things at the hospital," Foggy said. "You sure know your way around a first aid kit."

"I just know what Matt's told me. It's nothing more than what he did for his dad."

"Do you think he did all that stuff the other night? Blowing up the buildings and killing that cop?"

Evelyn shook her head. "No, I don't. I think he's being framed." She finished off her water and motioned to the sink. "Will you see what cleaning supplies he has under there, please? And then you should probably go try to get some sleep."

Foggy crouched down pulling out the few spray bottles that were there along with a couple of rags. "Nah, I'm not going to be able to sleep but I'll help you clean." He said, standing back up and handing over the bleach and a rag.

Sighing, she took the items and nodded. She wanted to look out for her best friend but she understood. After she found out, it took forever for her to finally sleep. She just hoped that at some point Foggy would be able to get some sleep.

They worked mostly in silence. The heaviest silence she had ever felt between them but she let it be for the time being. She knew Foggy would say something when he was ready. And then her phone rang. Setting down her rag, she crawled over to the chair she left her phone. She knew it was too late for anyone who typically called her to call. She briefly wondered if it was Claire but when she saw the caller id, she groaned.

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