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AN: Hello lovelies! Thank you so much for all the love already given to this story. It truly means a lot. I am about halfway through my quarantine before returning to work so I thought what better way to try and get things going again was to get posting again. So without further ado, here is chapter two!


Late the next night, Matt called her. They had talked when she had gone on lunch earlier in the day. He had actually helped her pick where she and Will were going to go for date night the following night. Despite being pulled from a deep sleep, Evelyn was wide awake and ready to do whatever was needed. The jolt of adrenaline at seeing Matt call so late would do that, apparently.

He wouldn't give her much else besides the fact that if she had some clothes she could spare, his impromptu roommate would greatly appreciate it. So she packed a backpack with several options of things she wouldn't mind if she didn't get back.

When she got there the mystery person was taking a shower and Matt walked as though he was getting a few new bruises. "So who am I donating clothes to?" She asked as she handed over the bag.

"The nurse that helped me out a couple of days ago," Matt said, moving to pull out the first set of clothes he could find. "Do these go?" He asked, pulling out a shirt and a pair of leggings.

"Yeah, they match." She said, following him further into his apartment. "Do I finally get to know her name?"

"Claire." He slipped into his room and placed the clothes and bag on the bed.

Evelyn just stared after him. She wondered if it could be her friend from work, Claire Temple. She apparently hadn't been in for a couple of days, out sick according to Shirley. So she had texted her to see if she needed anything. Claire's response had given her a weird vibe but she took it as her not wanting to get her sick but maybe, she'd stumble across the truth. Something she seemed to have a knack for doing.

She settled into the couch, waiting for Matt to return. He sat down next to her, not quite fully relaxed but his shoulders had dropped a little. Tucking her feet under her, she turned towards him and began to run her hand up and down his back. He melted into her touch, leaning in close. "What happened, Matt?"

"The Russians kidnapped her to try and get information out of her about me."

"Are you two okay?"

He nodded. "I'm just a little sore. I had to patch her up a little bit but nothing was majorly broken thankfully."

"Do you think they got any information?"

"No." He shook his head. "I trust her."

At the sound of the shower turning off, he tilted his head as he focused on her to make sure there weren't any other injuries he had somehow missed. A few moments later, the mystery nurse named Claire walked out, pausing in her movements when she noticed Evelyn sitting next to Matt.

"Do you know someone who also works at Metro-General? Because –" Claire's train of thought stopped mid-sentence. She had looked up from where she had pulled at the hem of the t-shirt the hospital had given out a year ago. She had a similar shirt, as well as several others, folded in her drawers at her now wrecked apartment several blocks over.

She hadn't expected to get caught up with a vigilante or to help him interrogate someone, let alone get kidnapped by the Russian Mob but she definitely didn't expect to see the admin assistant to her boss sitting next to the man she had been secretly patching up as if she had been doing it all her life. "Uh, hi, Eve."

She just waved. Well, what a small world indeed. Mystery nurse Claire was indeed her work best friend. "Hi, Claire. Don't worry about me being here. Your secret is safe with me. Besides, Shirley would either fire me or make me go to nursing school if she found out how long I've been patching this one up." Evelyn pointed toward Matt with a small smirk.

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