~+⨹ The Locket ⨹+~

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(3rd Pov? idk anymore-//


"Bill Cipher, silence. You hold no power towards me in your state."

An Axolotl the size the universe sat upon a glimmering throne, it's baby pink scales cooled by the smooth blue sapphire of it. The entire throne room seemed to beam with scattered relics of rare ores, contrasting with the golden walls. Bill Cipher stood by the base of the huge seat, staring up at the humongous salamander that seemed to radiate power. Even though of course, Bill Cipher was quite dangerous, the Axolotl will always be the ruler of all dream demons. Every demon below them was instructed to serve and respect them, but oh boy, did Bill have some nerve.

"Are you kidding me!? I almost had EvErytHing!" They yelped, their voice distorting with anger. Bill breathed heavily, trying to keep his cool; They knew damn well of what the Axolotl was capable of. Even if the idea of having to share a mind with Pine Tree seemed fun, Bill was fully aware of the complications that would come with it. And now that Fordsy is around, it would be even harder to coexist with a human. Bill started, growing in size.

"Surely you know the consequences! I'll have stupid human emotions, and I'd be evacuated by dumb Sixer faster than you could blink!"

Plus, Bill had learned quickly after his last experience with Pine tree that his body was uselessly weak. Humans are always useless, having dumb emotions and feelings, Hah! Imagine...

"You say you are the all seeing eye, so surely you know that Alcor- I mean, Dipper- isn't fully human, correct?" The wise demon said calmly, spectating the triangle in front of them, amusing themselves with their disrespect.



The Axolotl sighed, snapping their fingers. immediately, a silver relic appeared in front of them, as Bill picked it up carefully, their eye widening. A silver Pine Tree rested in his hands, small marks of baby blue swirling in-between the grooves of it. He noted that it was cracked slightly, a blue glow illuminating from the line. But Bill knew the boy wasn't fully demon, so why would the boy need a capacity locket to contain his magic...?

"The boy is half demon. It was most likely created when he was born, seeing that no other traces of magic had been exerted from him." The axolotl boomed, wincing as the crack widened randomly in the silver.

"But how...?" Bill mused, still holding the locket in his hands gently, not wanting it to break. He didn't know the extent of Pine Tree's magic yet, and he didn't want the powers getting released too early incase the boy could dominate even him in his weakened state. "My knowledge is reaching a block, Axolotl. What is this?"

The pink demon flexed their scales as they stretched, surveying Bill with a frown. "That is not what I quite understand either, Bill Cipher."

Bill looked up at the great demon with surprise, nearly dropping the locket. "But how-? You're the great axo-"

"Not even I know everything, Bill." The salamander sighed, it's head dresses drooping. "And nobody even knows who does, or what, if it even is a what. Or an it." They mused, watching as Bill fell deep into thought, knowing he was considering their offer to share a mind with Dipper. "And that is why, Bill, I need you to share minds with the boy. Even if you will gain human feelings, you could figure out the true origins of him. If you succeed, i'll let you return fully." Bill sighed, looking down. "Will I be able to control him?" The Axolotl paused, considering the question. "I suppose, but be reminded that you cannot constantly posses him- We need him alive, Bill."

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