~+ Lost +~

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Idon'tevenknowsomonepleasetellme POV))

"Dipper!!" Ford bellowed, gazing around in the wilderness.

"DIPPER!!!" He yelled louder, the soft footsteps of Mabel running towards him.

"Still no luck...?" She mused, blowing the hair out of her eyes.

Ford shook his head sadly, shielding his eyes as the sun got closer to the ground, shining through the trees. "Hopefully nothing targeted him. This forest can be real dangerous... Especially some of the unexplored places." Ford sighed. "But Dipper wouldn't purposely walk into a unknown place, right...?" Mabel winced, tilting her hand back and forth. "Ehhh.... Considering my brother's need to know basically everything, There's a 50/50 chance."

"Ugh." Ford groaned, sliding out a yellowed piece of paper. It was a map of all the explored places in the forest, stretching across the paper a pretty far amount. Ford traced his finger to the far left top corner, where the paper was plain. "It's extremely easy to get lost there- If he's not there, then I don't know where else..."

Me; opens this story after brainstorming what will happen next for an entire 2 days;

Also me having every single idea and speck of motivation die the second I try to write;

ANYWAYS this chapter is real short cus I'm dying of writers block and needed to at least publish something


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