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Sorry it's been forever since I've updated this, I went to a mental hospital for like a month and then I did a bunch of character studies for different stories that took like forever, but speaking of character studies-

I've been looking more into Dipper's behavior in the show and the different backstories and theories about him, and I noticed that he is Autism coded the more the think about it. I've been diagnosed with Autism (Gravity Falls and Steven universe and animals are my special interests, that's why I like writing about them) so I thought that I might include some of that in the story and how it affects demon-hood as well. Anyways sorry lol, I thought I'd just give the small amount of people reading this a heads up Incase people get confused by his behavior lmao.

Anyways sorry for the long ass wait and I'll get back to this story as soon as I can 💀

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