~+ On your side +~

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Summary; Dipper goes to the mall.

The Monday morning for Dipper was slow and hazy, consisting of inspecting bruises over his body and checking for demon traits in the mirror with annoyance, all the while Bill yammering on about some kind of demon meeting that he was trying to convince Dipper to come to.

"Please PineTree! All the other demons are bringing apprentices, and if I show up with a half demon I'll be popular among them, and maybe even recruit them!"

"Bill, no. I don't even have full potential with my magic yet, so I'll probably be made fun of or something. Plus, don't all the other demons think you're dead?" Dipper replied while inspecting his sharpened teeth in the mirror, glaring at the long white tips. "Ugh, it hurts to much when I bite my tongue now." He complained, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but the meet is next week! The locket will be broken by then!" Bill pleaded with a whiny tone, floating down next to Dipper and looking at him with disappointment.

Dipper raised his eyebrow at him as he scanned the Demon with his yellow eyes and sharp narrowed pupils.

Bill looked at him with amusement. "You're eyes are yellow." He pointed out, laughing as a panicked expression came over Dipper, and he leaned forward aggressively at the mirror to look at them. "Damnit!" He glared at Bill. "Did you do this!?"

"It's all you PineTree." Bill rolled his eyes, flicking Dipper in between his eyes to change them temporarily.

"Ow!" Dipper put his hand where he was flicked with annoyance, but was still grateful for the demons help.

"Can't wait for when you can actually do that for yourself." Bill complained, floating up towards the roof, crossing his arms.

Dipper sighed. "You're going to be bothering me about that stupid meet thing for the rest of the day, aren't you?" He said with exasperation.

"Yup! At least until you say yes or else I'll torture you for all eternity."

Dipper sighed. "Fine.."



Dipper dragged his sore body downstairs, the familiar creak of the shack echoing on the stairway. Bill floated behind him, smiling and talking excitedly about the demon meet.

"Finally I can bring a living fleshbag to a demon meet! Normally we just kidnap them, but a half demon is even better!"

"Yay..." Dipper said with sarcasm as he turned his head to meet Bill's smiling eye.

"They'll absolutely adore you and take turns possessing you! Well, at least if the locket breaks."

"Yeah, just the thing I love. Being possessed and exhausted and surrounded by annoying demons." Dipper gritted his teeth, walking into the living room and seeing Grunkle Stan sitting on his familiar chair.

"Hey Grunkle Stan." Dipper said, Grunkle Stan not quite noticing him when he walked past him into the kitchen. He was too absorbed with the TV.

Mabel was bouncing up and down on her seat at the table, a grin on her face and a fresh cup of Mabel juice on the table. "Hey Dippin'Dots!"

Dipper sighed. "Hey Mabel. What are you so excited about?" He questioned, grabbing a box of cereal on the counter.

She grinned even wider. "We're going to the mall today!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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