~+⨹ Damn Dorito! ⨹+~

371 9 6

(? POV)

Dipper decided to hide the locket well, tucking it into a miniscule hole behind one of his posters. To be extra safe, he wrapped masking tape over the locket, so that the glow would not show through the paper of the poster. Dipper held his hand on the doorknob, scared to peek it open. He wasn't sure if he had the physical capacity to deal with Mabel or go on any adventures. But he had to at least try; Even if a literal dream Demon was probably watching him.

Deep inside Dipper's mind, Bill eerily laughed, excited for when he would have the capability to fully emerge into Dipper's brain.

For a heart stopping moment, Dipper thought he heard Bill's insane laugh ringing through his ears. He shook his head; he was just imaging it. There was no way...

A sleep deprived Dipper finally had the courage to trudge downstairs, dragging his feet on the ground like he would rather just lie on the floor forever.

Mabel was already up, scrambling around the kitchen to put her dangerous concoction called "Mabel Juice" together. The soft sizzling of the pan on the stove was lightly irritating as Grunkles Stan flipped pancakes, a soft golden on the visible side. The stairs under Dipper's feet was hollow like his attitude as he slowly made his way down, rubbing his eyes.

After the locket incident, Dipper absolutely refused to fall asleep again last night, terrerfied of having another experience with Bill. If the boy was going to be honest, he did even know why he bothered to hide the object. As far as he knew, Bill could be using it as a way to gain power again, and Dipper was falling right into his trap. But the last thing Dipper wanted was for his family to freak out about Bills return, and he might be bombarded with questions by his family if they found the odd locket.

So naturally, he just kept his mouth shut.

The second Dipper walked Into the kitchen, Grunkles Stan and Mabel yelped, both of them grabbing frying pans.

"VAMPIRE!" They yelped in chorus.

Dipper screamed as they charged forward before faltering, noticing that it was just Dipper.

"It's Just me guys-!"

They softly put the pans down on the counter, concern written on thier faces.

"Jeez, kid. You look like you got ran over by a truck."


"Like, multiple times."

Dipper sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was probably going to pass out on his bed sooner or later, but the best he can do right now is make sure he doesn't come in with contact with Bill again. "Ugh- yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night." He mused. He nodded to the Stancakes, which were probably about to burn.

Ford stepped into the kitchen, holding a paper with an excited smile. "I Can't believe th- AH-!" Ford pulled out a dark blue gun, pointing it directly at Dipper threateningly.

"VAMPIRE!" He yelped, and Dipper hurled himself to the side as a blue laser admitted from the guns nose. "Grunkle Ford-! It's just me!"

His eyes softened as he whisked the gun back into his flowy coat, frowning. "I am so sorry Dipper-" He fumbled to shove it into his coat pocket, finally getting it in there. His face relaxed in concern as he took in Dipper's appearance. "Are you alright..?" Dipper sighed once again, half wishing he could've just slept and be left alone by Bill. "Yeah, I just didn't sleep very well last night." Dipper repeated.

Ford narrowed his eyes, a odd idea coming to his mind. No... That's a dumb thought. How would Bill even keep Dipper awake if he's not alive?

Ford sighed, giving a small side eye to Dipper. He knew that he had a history of staying up, but Ford didn't know this was what Mabel meant. They had just came back to Gravity Falls, and already something was off with one of the twins.

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