~+ As it all fades to black... +~

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Am I going to take Inspiration from the video above?

Yes because it's amazing

ANYWAYS just a warning there's blood and violence in this


Dipper jolted awake, his head throbbing aggressively, Nature surrounding him. Dipper noted that it was much later in the day, the sun already low in the sky. He threw himself upwards, panting heavily. The memory of what flowed back to him overwhelmingly, painfully reminding him of the supposed truth.

This was all too crazy.

Dipper sighed as he looked down, his mind whirring. He really wasn't fully human... And Mabel wasn't even his biological twin? Dipper grimaced, the fear of turning into a literal demon crippling him. The fact of Bill literally living inside him hit him like a sucker punch, the chill of hopelessness smothering him. He was part demon, and now his mortal enemy was living within him. And once that dumb locket breaks, nothing will ever be the same again...

His "parents' were a lie.

His Grunkles weren't really his Grunkles.

Mabel wasn't really his sister...

It was all a lie.

But he still loved them, but he can't help but wonder...

Who was his family? And why did even Bill not know?

"That's for us to find out, Pine Tree!"

Dipper jumped, immediately on guard. "Bill! Can your Dorito ass leave me alone for once?" He growled, guessing that Bill was talking inside of his head.

"Yikes! Language." Bill scolded, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Honestly, I never can leave you alone. I live inside of you, kid!"

Dipper growled pushing himself off of the ground. "I know that! Just remember that you're literally the Triangle who tried to kill me and start an apocalypse."

"Eh, happens sometimes."

Dipper rolled his eyes, looking around at the remains of the Hide Behind. There were noticable scuff marks everywhere, parts of the ground torn up and even a large scorch mark on a tree.

"Jeez..." He muttered, a surprised intake of breath issuing from his mouth as he laid eyes on the Hide Behind sprawled on the ground. It had multiple scorch marks, small cuts bleeding a white liquid which Dipper assumed was it's blood. Dipper shuttered as he got closer inspection, nothing that alot of the blood was oozing from it's head.

"Don't worry, it's still alive! I just wanted to teach it a lesson." Bill chirped brightly, laughing.

"You're unstable Bill." Dipper said, slightly disturbed.

"Sure I am! What's your point? I still saved you y'know."

Even through Dipper hated to admit it, he was really thankful that the Hide Behind hadn't caught him and erased his memory. Without Bill, he probably would've been dead meat.

"Thankyou, but-"

"Woah woah woah! You actually thanked me?" Bill exclaimed, sounding genuinely happy. "Aww, thanks Pine Tree! It was my pleasure!"

Dipper gave an unamused expression, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah, sure..."

"C'mon! Why the long face?" Bill complained. "Finally, I do some good for my favorite human an-"

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