~+ talking to the mirror +~

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Uhh hi

Sorry for taking so long lol

(Dipper's dream~)

At first, Dipper Didn't notice he was falling.

That was untill he opened his eyes, the feeling of plummeting making his belly drop sickeningly, seeing only darkness surrounding him.


A shot of adrenaline rocketed through his veins as he twisted around in the air, his body connecting with a smooth and hard surface painfully.

Whatever he had landed on began to tilt, Dipper's panicked yelps growing more fearful as he grabbed ahold of the edge, the sharp ledge digging into his palms.

Dipper felt himself slipping, whatever he was holding onto in the darkness sliding away like a oily snake, disappearing into the black void as Dipper fell, his screams useless.


He plummeted through the darkness, wind rushing past him. He could just vaguely make out some sort of pattern above him, shielding his eyes as it suddenly flowed a bright blue.

Dipper slammed against another smooth object, his shadow illuminated by the glowing pattern above him, a pulse of adrenaline and surprise shooting through his body as he gasped with shock.

Surprisingly, there wasn't too much pain on his back, but he did feel something leathery on his spine, the muscles tensing.

Just as he was about to look back to see whatever was on his back, the object began to tilt like the last one, Dipper squinting as he grasped at the smooth surface, the bright blue glow blinding him.

Dipper slid off of the object limply, landing on the same surface again, being slid off violently on that one as well. He was like a pin ball, being tossed around on the smooth surfaces repeatedly.

Taking a quick glance at his back as he was hung in a painful position over a slower tilting a ledge, Dipper gasped as he saw skeletal and leathery wings draping over his back, noticably large and dark.

Dipper suddenly felt a bunch of pressure on his teeth, feeling them morph, his elongated canines pressing into his tongue.

Just as he traced his finger over the sharp teeth with surprise and fear, Dipper was thrown off the smooth ledge, plummeting even faster now, the wings on his back glueing against his sides in the downward spiral. As he fell, he could see the array of what he fell on, realizing that they were dark cube-like stones with something moving inside them that he couldn't make out.

What is happening!!

Suddenly he yelped, a headache barreling it's way into his skull as he flipped around in air, his wings flapping widely. He bit his lip in pain, surprised when his teeth poked deep into his bottom lip and cheeks. Since when were they that sharp...?

The pain in his head increased as the black void slipped away, random images flashing through his head widely.

Is this another vision...? Dipper realized. The last time something like this happened was when he was getting attacked by the hide Behind.

"AIE-" Dipper squeaked, pain rocketing through his body as he subconsciously noticed that he was hovering unsteadily, his wings flapping around with noticable stress from keeping the boy in the air after no use for 13 years. The visions that flashed through his head were scattered, the half-demon barely being able to make sense out of them.

It was all wild colors of blues and blacks, stressing out images of the locket and flashes of blue fire.

Suddenly, the pain increased in his head as the visions began to gain more clarity, making out two muffled voices within the chaos..

+{⨹ Bewitched ⨹}+ !Bipper/TranscendenceWhere stories live. Discover now