Ch 1

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Zack wore a wide smile while staring at the text that his little lover sent him.

His lover is so cute.

(Little Prince) :"I'm hungry. Where are you?"

Zack quickly replied,

(Little Prince's Zack) :"I'm on my way, love~"

Zack chuckled when he imagined his lover's sulking face when he sent the text.

His lover is very cold most of time but that made Zack fall for him even harder.

It took very long to bend his straight little lover and finally his little lover accepted his confession to be together yesterday.

Today is their 2nd day as lovers and Zack is very excited to go home and meet his lover after a long day sitting on his office.

He picked up red roses for his little lover after leaving work. These are his lover's favorite flowers.

Zack hummed a random tune before going inside his car. He place the bouquet of red roses on the passenger sit before sitting on the driver sit.

Zack started the car and excitedly made his way to his villa.

There was not any car on the road to Zack's villa today which is very weird in a busy afternoon.

The stoplight turned red and Zack stop his car but suddenly a speeding sport car appeared out of nowhere and made its way towards Zack's car.

Zack frowned and tried his best to move out of the sport car's way but he was to late.

The sport car hit his car.



Zack felt everything was suddenly on slow motion.

He feels himself floating on the air, red petals from the roses floated along with him as his car flips.

At the exact time, Zack's phone rang.

(Little Prince is calling...)

His little lover is calling.

'F*ck.. Atleast let me answer my lover's call..' Zack thought as the car once again meets the ground.


Darkness.. Everything is very dark.

When Zack opened his eyes all he could see is Darkness. He couldn't even feel his body but his consciousness is awake.

'It doesn't seem to be Heaven or hell here?' Zack thought.

[That's because it isn't.]

A monotone voice sounded in the darkness.

'Who are you?' Zack was quite surprised when he heard the monotone voice but quickly relaxed and asked the voice.

[Hello, Mr.William. I am system 07. Do you wish to bind with me?]

Zack stayed quiet. He doesn't know what a system is. He doesn't read novels and the only thing he does is work, sleep, and eat.

All of that change once he met his little lover though. Now his schedule is work while thinking about his lover, call his lover, eat with his lover, go on a date with his lover, and sleep with his lover.

So with no hesitation Zack gave his reply, "I do not wish to."


System 07 is speechless. It never met someone who rejected it to bind.

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