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Arc 1.11- Entertainment industry's Mysterious CEO

Inside a 2 storey modern vacation home is a man sipping expensive red wine.

The view outside the vacation house is breath taking.

A beautiful lake, and a mountain can be seen very clearly from the view of the window.

"A well deserved vacation for me.." The man spoke, ignoring the fact his phone is blowing up.

"Host, Liam's scandal is already in the news." System 07 said.

The man, who we now know as Zack hummed in response.

Zack didn't rush as he already got everything planned.

He already planned everything ahead of time so he still had time to enjoy the infinity pool outside his newly bought vacation home.


Blake stared blankly at the news report about a sex scandal in the TV.

The news report is about Liam.

Blake couldn't believe it.

Last night he almost followed Liam when he saw him going out of the venue.. Blake had only followed Liam when he saw how unusual Liam had looked.

But he didn't get to follow Liam when Zack had blocked his way.

"Somethings off.." Said Blake.

He started to put together how strange Zack acted.

"Zack seems to know something about this. He acted too strange.. As if he was trying to block me from seeing something.", Thought Blake.


"GOD! WHERE WERE YOU?! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT SCANDAL YOUR ACTOR HAS!" Cedric shouted at Zack when Zack entered his office.

"THIS IS A HUGE BLOW TO OUR REPUTATION!" Cedric shouted frustratedly.

"And I came to know you were on the countryside enjoying your vacation! While all these were happening!" Cedric added.

Zack sat in his chair calmly and took out a file from his drawer.

"I'm not worried. Afterall Mr.Parker isn't our artist anymore." Zack spoke making Cedric confuse.

"You terminated his contract? So? What would that benefit us! You literally terminated his contract when his scandal broke out! When this gets out our reputation will take a bigger hit!" Cedric scratched his head frustratedly.

"What are you saying? You didn't let me finish." Said Zack.

"Liam had signed a signed a special contract. It wrote there that when the movie Knife finished filming he will no longer be an artist working under Williams. It seems that Mr.Parker was too excited to read the whole contract he was given." Zack said as he push Liam's contract to Cedric.

"And also prepare for a press conference. I'm going to clear everything and answer the question of these journalists." Added Zack.

Cedric stood there with his mouth agape. He didn't move an inch till Zack ordered him to leave.


"A press conference? I heard that the CEO will show himself today!" A reporter said.

"I heard that too.. The CEO will finally show himself." Another added.

"Of course the CEO will show himself. This is the biggest scandal their company had ever had." A journalist beside the two reporters said.

They are currently outside Zack's company's building.

"Mhm, I can't believe that just after a very successful movie premiere.. that actor would do those undecent deeds."

"I have no problem if that actor is gay, bi, pan, or even straight but his sexual background gives me chills! Men, women, minors, and even old people! Just what the hell!"

And the murmurs and gossip continued among the journalist and reporters.


The press conference started at 3 o'clock the same afternoon.

Many people filled the room, many even had to stand due to the lack of chairs because there were just too many of them.

A couple of minutes later, Cedric entered the stage.

"Ahem.. Good afternoon everyone. This press conference will be held to clear any misunderstandings or questions the media had about the scandal of Mr.Liam Parker." Cedric spoke.

"The one clearing all of this will be our CEO.. Now I'll hand the microphone to him." After Cedric spoke he left the stage.

The whole venue was quiet, all were awaiting for this mysterious CEO to arrive.

Did I forget to mention that the press conference is broadcast live from different news channel and social platforms.

Not only people were here for the scandal but people were also here to see this CEO first appearance in public.

As there were rumors going around that the CEO doesn't show his face because he is very ugly or another reason is that he is disabled like his father.

But all of these rumors went down quickly when a tall and very handsome blond man entered the room.

His looks are akin to those attractive male models and maybe even better! And his aura was as powerful and stern as his old man.

He is the CEO of the largest entertainment company! The only heir of this massive fortune!

And his name is-

"Hello everyone. I am Zack Williams and I am the CEO." Zack's melodious voice echoed around the quiet room.


Blake turned off the Television.

He knew something was off between the relationship of Cedric and Zack.

Turned out his gut feeling is correct.

The relationship between the so called friends is not as simple as it seemed. Zack and Cedric turned out to also be in an employer and employee relationship.

Blake closed his eyes as he sat back in his couch.

He just hoped he didn't do anything to offend this CEO.


"What the hell!" Sound of broken glass is heard around the small apartment.

"I am the CEO." Zack's voice came out from the television inside the house.

The light from the television is the only light source inside the small apartment as all the lights were broken.

The light bulb is on the ground broken, the lamp is also broken. Almost everything in the house is broken. All from someone's extreme rage..

"F*CKING HELL! THIS BASTARD PLANNED ALL OF THIS! HE PLANNED MY PIT TO HELL!" Turns out the person who made their house into a rage room is Liam.


"Blake should've been the one getting f*cked by that prostitute not me! He is suppose to be in this position and not me! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THE WINNER IN THIS LIFE NOT HIM!!" He shouted and shouted till his voice got hoarse.


To be continued..

(Finally I manage to make an update. Sorry if it took a very long time.)

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