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Arc 1.13(last)- Entertainment industry's Mysterious CEO

3 years pass..

"And the best actor award goes to..."

"Blake Black!"

The crowd cheered and clapped their hands as soon as the name came out of the mc's mouth.

Blake stood up from his seat looking dignified and elegant as he did so.

His hair was pushed back in a neat manner yet a strand still manage to fall after he stood up yet it didn't affect his face value but instead it made him look more attractive.

The girls in the crowd cheered louder as a rare smile appeared to Blake's indifferent and cold face.

Blake walk gracefully towards the stage as the cheers grew louder. After arriving on top of the stage he went to receive his bouquet and award.

Blake's eyes flashed a rare gentleness as he made eye contact with a certain blonde man amidst the crowd.

After the crowd calmed down a bit, Blake made his way to the microphone.

"Recieving the best actor award was totally unexpected to me. I never expected I'd get this so early in my career. I am thankful for all my supportive fans who made me become who I am today. Thank you to my lovely assistant, manager, and my company.."

"But I'd like to thank this specific person who led me to success.. Thank you, Mr.Williams."

The certain blonde man in the crowed smiled as he made eye contact with Blake.

The crowd then cheered loudly after the end of Blake's speech.


'Host, your mission is finally over..' System 07 said happily.

"I know." Zack replied as he watch Blake end his speech.

'Do you wish to stay longer? Or you can leave at this exact moment?' Asked system 07.

Zack tidy up his suit as he stood up from his seat.

"You already know the answer. Let's go." Zack didn't hesitate.

System 07 became quiet. It has seen its host gradually warm up with everyone in this world and yet he didn't hesitate to leave everyone behind.

Zack quickly made his way to the washroom.

'Are you ready now, host?' Asked system 07.

"Yes." Zack replied.

'Okay.. Host is leaving the world in




At the exact moment a message pop out of Zacks phone.

Zack glanced at his phone that is slowly disappearing and saw a text message from Blake. He didn't have time to reply to the message because he had already disappeared.


Blake is in a happy mood when he went down the stage. His eyes automatically started to search for a certain blonde in the crowd.

Blake's eyes landed on Zack's seat and his eyebrows frowned when he saw no one.

Blake's heart suddenly started accelerating and he felt a weird melancholy feeling.

He needs to find Zack.. Now. That was the only thing that ran in his head at the moment.

Blake quickly took out his phone and message Zack.

:"Mr.Williams, where did you go?"

After Blake sent the message he left to find Zack himself because he couldn't sit still at all.

After running around the venue for a while, sweat drop from Blake's smooth forehead. He feels like he wants to cry and he didn't know why.

'Zack must've only left but why does he feel like he had been abandoned.' Blake thought as he locked himself in his private dressing room.

Slowly, tears build up in his normally cold eyes. His body collapsed at the couch as he tried to control this overwhelming emotions.

Blake felt as if he lose something very dear to him. He doesn't like this feeling at all.

"Mr.Williams, did you leave me?..." Blake hugged his trembling body as his tears rolled down his face.


Zack opened his eyes and found himself in a white vast space.

"System, where are we?" Asked Zack.

[We are at your resting place, host! Now the you've completed your first world you received this resting place!]

Zack nodded as a subtle smile appeared on his lips.

Memories from the past three years on his first world suddenly hit him.

He and Blake had gotten closer but Zack always tried to stay a good distance from Blake because of the resemblance of Blake and his little lover. Zack feels like he is cheating on his lover with someone identical to him so he didn't get too close with Blake.

Blake had gradually warmed up to him and even showed emotions to him. Which made Zack quite surprised but nonetheless his life there is pretty good.

"System, check my stats please."

[Name: Zack William]

[Age: 30]

[Strength: 59]

[Agility: 60]

[Endurance: 71]

[Charm: 99]

[Intelligence: 80]

[Skills: Luck(Passive), Business Genius(Passive), Piano(Active), language skill(passive)]

[Status points: 2] (+10)

[A normal person stats are 50 and maximum stats of a human 100.]

[New skill: Natural Actor(Passive)]

[Current satisfactory rate: 20%]

"Do you guys give satisfactory rate usually that high?" Zack asked as he thought the tasks will be much easier.

[No, host. You got twenty percent because it is your first world. The next few worlds will get harder and harder and the satisfactory rate that will be added will get smaller and smaller too.]

"Mhm, alright." Zack pursed his lips.

[And host.. The main system had reported an entity entered the system.. It's a familiar soul.]

Zack's brows frowned hearing this.

"What do you mean?" Zack asked.

[Host, your lover's soul entered the villian's body.]


End of first arc

To be continued..

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