Ch 6

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Arc 1.5- Entertainment industry's Mysterious CEO


Zack entered the car first. He glance at Blake, who is taking out his bag from the van, from time to time.

He couldn't help but connect Blake with his little lover from his original world.

His little lover looks exactly like Blake and their personalities are also similar. Both are cold yet very kind and sweet inside.

Just thinking about his little lover gave Zack motivation to finish this as soon as possible. He mustn't get distracted to someone even if he looks like his little lover. It's still considered cheating towards his lover afterall.

Zack glance at the small kitten, system 07, on the passenger sit sleeping peaceful or technically spying at Liam.

Zack ordered system 07 earlier to spy on Liam when Zack found out that system 07 can actually do it.

Soon, Zack caught sight of Blake and his manager making their way towards his car.

Zack lowered the passenger seats window and motioned Blake to sit on the passenger seat.

Blake was hesitant at first but still agreed to sit beside Zack.

Blake opened the passenger seat's door to see system 07 sleeping.

Zack noticed the a quick flash pass through Blake's eyes as he stared the small kitten, system 07.

Because Zack's mission in this world is to help the villain, he had received the information of Blake. All the personal or very small details about Blake's life.

So Zack knows that Blake specifically likes small and fluffy animals. Exactly like system 07, who is in a form of a cute and fluffy kitten.

"Oh, I forgot that I brought along my cat." Zack lied with a innocent smile on his face.

Even though Blake could see through Zack's lie, because of Zack's amateur acing skills, Blake pretended not to.

He(Blake) likes the small creature on the seat anyways.

Blake quickly got in the car and picked up the small system 07. At this time system 07 stopped spying on Liam to act along with Zack.

Even though system 07 didn't continue to spy on Liam, it still gets information about Liam every minute. No matter what Liam has done, every detail of it is sent to system 07.

So if something important has happened to Liam, system 07 will report it to Zack.

This world had given system 07 and Zack lots of freedom like act OOC, more available skills for system 07, and stuff.

This is only available to this world and may not be in the future worlds because it is Zack's first world. It will get harder and harder as the more world Zack will go through.

But for now, let us focus on the current scene.

"Thank you for helping us Mister. I had seen you back at the audition of knife together with Mr.Cedric. You must be someone of high ranking or a friend of Mr.Cedric, right?" The manager of Blake spoke as he entered the car.

Zack smiled as he look over at the Manger through the rearview mirror before answering.

"Yeah, Cedric's a good friend of mine since we were kids."

"Oh, really? Mr.Cedric doesn't seem to be a person who gets along or gets close with anyone though. He is also grumpy, or cold- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." The manager scratched his balding head in embarrassment.

Zack laughed.

"Cedric's a clumsy and goofy guy actually. He's just being professional at work to show that he is being serious and to influence employees to work harder and smarter." Zack said.

The manager nodded and quietly sighed in relief after he almost witness his whole career shatter before his eyes.

"By the way, Mister. I didn't get your name and how did you get to know our Blake?"

"You can call me Zack." Zack added, "I found Blake's acting skill amazing so thats how I got to know him."

The Manger kept asking Zack questions from time to time which made Zack a tad bit annoyed with the talkative manager yet he continued to smile and reply politely.

Zack glance at Blake from time to time to see Blake patting or stroking system 07.

Unconsciously, a smile crept up on Zack's lips without him noticing it.

Blake resemble Zack's little lover so much that it feels weird to Zack. It is as if his lover is really with him and not Blake.

Could the it be that Blake and his little lover has some kind of connection to each other?

Zack ignored his suspicion about the connection of Blake and his little lover and continued driving.


Zack parked his car in front of a building where the first scene will be filmed.

The director rented this building for a whole month for filming the office scenes of the main character.

The main character of the movie is normal white collar worker but no one would have thought that behind that identity is a very skilled assassin.

Blake's role in the movie as the psycho killer will be one of the main character's target.

But before the psycho killer became psycho he actually work at the same company as the main character, and he is the secretary of the vice president.

The first victim of the psycho killer doesn't only have the identity of the first victim but also as the son of the vice president that the psycho killer works under.

There were some very bad and disrespectful things that the first victim had done that it triggered the psycho killer's madness.

The first victim was actually a close friend of the main character though.

Everyone probably know what will happen when the main character found out his close friend was killed by the psycho killer, right? So, I will no longer explain what the main character, who is an assassin, did to the killer of his friend.

(If you dont know what the main character did the psycho killer. You're dumb. Lol. The main character killed the psycho killer obviously--...)


Zack put on his sunglasses before getting out of the car and making his way to the passenger seat's door and opened it for Blake.

Blake frowned but ignored what Zack had just did and left the car with system 07 on his hand.

The Manger also left the car before Blake and is currently on the trunk of the car, taking out their things.

Blake wasn't late like the original plot. In fact, he is 30 minutes earlier.

At this time protagonist, Liam should have arrived at the location of the first shooting.. But why hasn't he arrived yet?

A sly smirk made its way in Zack's lips when he noticed the absent protagonist.

Zack may or may not have done a little something to the protagonist. ;)


Sorry for the long update. I was very busy and unmotivated- but here is your long awaited update ^^

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