Wearing Yellow to a Funeral (Wearing Yellow to an Execution)

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"I do not know what to think about that," Will says, "that song was mad in the best possible way."
"Thank you, Mr Murdoch," Anne says. 
"So we are back to formality after however long it's been since we last met?! You always called me Will or William even when I was on duty." 
"Sorry, not sorry." 

Boleyn draws everyone's attention back to the screen. 
Boleyn: What a weekend. It was literally like dead. 
Howard: Yeah, but didn't you actually die?
Boleyn: Yeah, it was so extra! 

The crowd laughs, but everyone in the room feels too uncomfortable to laugh. 

Boleyn: Anyway, since I clearly won the competition, I think I'm going to sing another solo. It's about the moment Catalina of Aragon tragically died in my arms. It's called Wearing Yellow to an Execution. Sing along if you know the words!

Catalina was a massive-

The real queens, except Older Emma, burst out laughing. On-screen, the other queens stop Anne from singing another word.

All but Boleyn: Whoa!
Cleves: She decided she was the winner?!
Howard: She wants another turn.
Aragon: Over my dead body!

Catalina and Anne look at each other before awkwardly looking away again. 

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