The Roast

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"It must be my song next," Kitty grins, "I can't wait to hear it." 
"Maybe you should sit this one out," Bert says, "if it's anything like I remember it, it's not pretty." 

Cleves: So, yeah, it was so tragic. 
Aragon: Actually, that doesn't sound difficult at all. 

"Why should I have to sit it out? I already lived through my life, I know what to expect!"

Cleves: Oh, I guess you're right. Never mind, back to the palace! 
Boleyn: So now there's one horse out of the race—
Cleves: Rude! 
Seymour: Let's take a moment to commemorate Anna on the loss of the competition. And speaking of losses, let's take a moment to commemorate my son for the loss of his mother. If that doesn't capture the audience's hearts, I don't know what will. 

Heart of Stone plays in the background as Jane speaks, and everyone looks at her. Jane tries to bury herself under a blanket. The music suddenly switches to No Way.

Aragon: If that's the case, let us commemorate the loss of the holy bond given to us by God, which—
Boleyn: How about let's commemorate my body for the loss of its head?

The music stops, and everyone looks awkwardly at each other. The audience laughs as the on-screen queens look at each other. 

Smith-White: Anyway, it's time for our next queen, Kitty Howard!
Kitty stands in the middle of the stage and looks at the other queens. Boleyn approaches Aragon and taps her on the shoulder.
Boleyn: Sorry, who's that?
Aragon: Oh, just the least relevant wife.
Boleyn: Oh, right, no I still don't care. 
Howard: Oh, haha, funny. 

Kitty laughs a little, whereas the other wives look uncomfortable. "Come on, guys, it can't be that bad!" 

Aragon: Speaking of funny, good luck trying to compete with us, honey!

"I think we all know who is going to win this one," Anna says. She looks over at the doorway to see older Emma poking her head through. 
"Hi, who's song is next?" 
"Right, I don't think we're in a good place to listen to an emotional song. We'll come back later." 
"Is everything alright?" Captain Smith asks. 
"Yeah, we're doing alright. This place is actually awesome. We found all sorts of interesting rooms, including a library and a swimming pool."
"How big is this place?" Rani asks. 
"I've been trying to not think about it. Anyway, if Kitty's song is next, I better—"
"Hold up!" Kitty cries. "Why are you missing out on so many songs?" 
"We're not ready for any emotional songs." 
"You two already missed out on most of the songs. You missed Haus of Holbein and Get Down." 
"We found a TV that shows the same thing you're watching and watched those two." 
"Yeah, we worked out which song is next, and considering how your life in Tudor England turned out, I'm not ready to watch something I could've prevented." 
"Is that why you left during Heart of Stone?" Jane asks. 
"I'll see if I can explain things later." Emma ducks back out of the room and shuts the door. 

"Are you sure she's okay?" Sarah Jane asks. 
"She and Will are going to come back when they feel ready," Captain Smith says, "but if we have to watch two versions of Six, that's going to get difficult as most of us will end up walking out during a couple of songs." 
"I guess you're right." 

Howard: Yeah, you're right. I don't know how I can compete against you, your lives sounded terrible! And your songs... 
Howard pauses, and the audience laughs. 

Kitty stares at the screen in shock. "I would never say something like that!"
"We know," Catalina assures her. 

Howard: Really helped to convey that! I mean, Catalina! Almost moving into a nunnery and then not, that almost could've been really been hard for you.
Aragon: I beg your pardon?!
Howard: And Anne, Anne, the King ordering your death! Surely that means you'll win the— oh, wait, wait, hang on a second— divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, devoured— oh, never mind. 

"It's that stupid rhyme again!" Maria says. 
"Not the full one," Catalina says, and she looks over at Kitty. 

Howard: And Jane, dying of natural causes. When will justice be served?!

Both Jane and Kitty try and bury under a blanket. 

Howard: And surviving...
Kitty doesn't say anything else to Emma and simply walks past her, toward Anna. 
Howard: Seriously though, Anna, all jokes aside, being rejected for your looks legit sounds really rough. I wouldn't know anything about that. 

Anna and Kitty burst out laughing. 

Howard: I mean, look at me, I'm really fit. So, yeah. I can't even begin to think of how I can compete with you all. Oh, wait, like this.

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