Heart of Stone

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Seymour: Yeah, anyway, I'm sure it's my go next. 

Everyone turns to face Jane, who tries to make herself smaller. "But I wasn't as badass as everyone else," she says, "I'm nothing important."
"Don't beat yourself down," Ruby shoots back. "You had it as bad as everyone else." 
Jane shakes her head, but everyone else nods. 

Cleves: You? Queen, please!
Howard: Yeah, weren't you "the only one he truly loved"?
Boleyn: There's no way she can compete with us. 

Jane sinks further back into the sofa. 

Seymour: Yeah, you're right. I mean, all of you were badasses. The queens that went before would stand up to Henry. 

Aragon: Yeah, you gave him the son he truly wanted. 
Boleyn: Yeah, I literally had a cute baby girl and he chopped my head off
Seymour: Yes, I know. I was lucky in so many ways. Since I had an Edward and not an Edwina, I remained in the King's affections. But I knew that wasn't love. 

"Then why did you stay with him and not run away?" Clyde asks. 
"Because I would not change history, which could have resulted in Emma never existing!" 
"Emma never existing?" Will asks, terrified. He glances over at older Emma, who pats his arm. 
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." 

Boleyn: Wow, yeah, what a stressful situation. I've never had anything similar happen. 
Aragon: Yeah, do you have any idea?
Seymour: Look, I get it. You two kicked major Tudor ass! I'm sure that's what everyone wants to hear about, like, girl power, woo! 

"I don't get why everything is about girl power these days," Clyde says. 
"Because history fucked us about!" Older Emma snaps. 
"Language, Mrs Murdoch!" Captain Smith says. 
"Sorry, Captain." 

Seymour: I might have also rebelled, but it wasn't the explosion that queens before and after me would give. Catherine, you, Anne, and Emma, you three were the main queens who stood up to Henry. He would storm and rage at you and the three of you would storm and rage right back. 
Howard: Did I ever tell you about the time Emma actually ate someone? 

Both Emmas try to make themselves as invisible as possible, which doesn't work. "You did what?" Rani asks. 
"I'm not like that now," older Emma whispers. 
"Should we call the police?"
"We're doing no such thing!" Luke yells. 

Seymour: Yes, you did. But I wouldn't fight back against Henry. I stood by him because I was scared. I saw what happened to Anne and knew that could easily be me, but that wasn't why I stood by him. Katherine, before you arrived at Court, Emma was my girlfriend. I tried to break our relationship off when Henry started courting me, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry Henry and look at Emma like she was a complete stranger. So, I kept it going. Henry only found out after I gave birth to Edward. 

On-screen Jane moves towards the centre of the stage, leaving the other queens to sit on the stairs leading to the band and a throne. Emma is the only one who remains standing. 

Seymour: I got her into a lot of trouble. Like, so much trouble that Henry could've executed her. But he honoured my wishes because I asked him not to. 

The music for Heart of Stone begins playing, taking everyone by surprise. Compared to the other songs, Jane's is much slower, calmer. 

Seymour: So, Henry
The two before me
The three that'd follow
Five women you tried to destroy
You came my way
And I knew a storm could come too
You'd lift me high
Or let me fall

Jane is already crying. Charles stands up, crosses the room, and sits beside her. He hugs Jane, and Jane rests her head on his shoulder as she cries. 

Seymour: But I took your hand
And promise I'd withstand 
Any blaze you blew my way
'Cause I had to keep 
History on track
And I knew I'd always stay

You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable

"That's pretty impressive," Captain Smith says. 

Seymour: When the fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone

"That is so sad," younger Emma whispers. She moves her position from the floor to the sofa, and Ruby wraps an arm around the younger version of her daughter. Older Emma doesn't move from her place with the other Titanic officers. 

Seymour: You say we're perfect
A perfect family
You hold us close for the world to see

"He was stupid," Catalina says. "He held you and Edward close, but practically disowned Mary and Elizabeth." 
"I will never forgive him for that," Anne agrees, "but at least Emma brought them back into the line of succession."

Seymour: And when I say "You're the only one I ever loved"
I meant those words for Emma

Will stands up and walks out of the room. Older Emma stays for a couple of moments before following him. 

Seymour: But I know
Without my son, you could easily end my life
I know it isn't fair
But I don't care
'Cause my love will still be here

"Any idea where Will and Emma went?" Henry asks. 
"No," Anne says. "I guess Will couldn't take an emotionally moving song." 

Seymour: You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
All: The fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
Seymour: You'll still find stone
My heart of stone

"Should I go after them?" James asks. 
"I think Emma and Will are adult enough to sort things out together," Henry says.
"You weren't there for the ninety-eight years after the Titanic sank," Anne says. "It was almost unbearable to live with Emma."
"What happened?" 
"I don't think it is a suitable conversation to have without Emma."

Seymour: Soon, I'll have to go
I'll never see them grow
But I hope Mary, Liz, and Ed will know
They'll never be alone
'Cause like a river runs dry
And leaves its scars behind

On-screen, Emma walks over and takes Jane's hand. 
Seymour, Smith-White: I'll be by your side
'Cause my love
Seymour: Is set in stone

"I think if they don't come back by the end of this song, one of us should go after them," Jane says. The others nod and turn their attention to the screen. 

Seymour: Yeah
All but Seymour: You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
Seymour: I'm unbreakable
All but Seymour: You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
Seymour: Ooh!
All but Seymour: You'll find that I'm unshakable
All: the fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
Seymour: You'll still find stone

Everyone in the room starts crying. Captain Smith is the only one trying to hold it in so he can comfort the others. 

Seymour: My heart of stone
All but Seymour: You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable 
Seymour: Can't break me, can't break me
All but Seymour: You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
All: The fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
Seymour: You'll still find stone
My heart of stone

Everyone but Captain Smith is still crying while the audience applauds. Captain Smith stands up and leaves the room, looking for Will and Emma. 
"Well, we now lost the Captain," Henry says. 
"I think he's looking for Will and Emma," Charles says as Captain Smith walks back in. "Did you find them?" 
"Yes, but they are having an emotional moment. I thought it best not to disturb them." 

Seymour: 'Cause... what hurts more than a broken heart? 

On-screen, Anne walks up to Jane and wraps an arm around her shoulder. 

Boleyn: A severed head. 

Everyone bursts out laughing. 

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