Chapter 38

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"Mom, what about mine? Why does my elder sister have it, but I don't have it, and I want it too." Wang Jiabao looked at the towels held by the two elder sisters, and was jealous, how could he be treated differently...

  "You are a boy, then Why don't you pay attention, go..." Liu Yulan waved at him in disgust, and turned to Zhou Fengjuan and Aunt Zhou who were sitting on the side, "Tang sister, thank you today. Aunt Zhou, have some tea."

  Just now everyone After dispersing, Zhou Fengjuan and Aunt Zhou didn't leave, and they helped move the sewing machine into the house together.

  Wang Miaomiao was clever, and quickly invited the two of them to be seated, and poured tea for them.

  Aunt Zhou looked at the smart little girl in front of her, and she liked it. She had already gone through it in her mind to see which good young men would be worthy of this girl, so that they could be matched.

  "This is your daughter, yo yo, I haven't seen you for a few years, and she's grown so big. She looks so handsome, so good. Yulan, you are so lucky..." Aunt Zhou has not been a guest at Zhou Fengjuan's house for several years. , after all, she is an elder, and it is usually Zhou Fengjuan who visits her during the holidays.

  Over the years, I have often heard Zhou Fengjuan talk about her cousin's family. Before Zhou Fengjuan had nothing good to say about this cousin, but after the last incident, she has greatly changed her outlook. Aunt Zhou has some doubts in her heart.

  When I saw it at this time, the heart that I mentioned was instantly put down, and the relationship was born from my heart, and Aunt Zhou finally agreed with Zhou Fengjuan's words.

  "Hey, the children are all ignorant, me, as long as they are all fine." Liu Yulan was modest, knowing that Aunt Zhou must have something to do, so she sent a few children and said, "What should you do? Why are you going, don't stay here, I'll talk to your aunt and aunt for a while."

  "By the way, I'm having dinner at my house today." She turned her head and said to Wang Miaomiao, "Add a few more dishes and go. Well..."

  "Oh, no, let's go home to eat, we don't have to be busy." Zhou Fengjuan hurriedly stopped.

  "Okay, I've come here, so don't be polite, there can be several times a year." Liu Yulan patted her hand with a sincere expression.

  She sincerely wanted to keep the meal. In these few incidents, she has accepted a lot of love from Zhou Fengjuan, and she is reasonable, and she has to keep the meal today.

  "Okay." Wang Miaomiao took Wang Pandi to the back kitchen, hooked Wang Jiabao and asked him to follow.

  Wang Miaomiao thought about the dishes to make at noon. There are vegetables, and the meat I bought last time. Come guests, don't be stingy.

  You can't kill chickens, so if you give Wang Zhaodi one, there are only five left in the house, and you kill one less than one, and you point to them to lay eggs.

  After thinking for a while, his eyes twinkled at Wang Jiabao.

  "You, what do you want to do..." Wang Jiabao stammered as she looked at him slightly.

  "Jiabao, do you want to go out to play?" Wang Miaomiao was tempted.

  Wang Jiabao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Think..."

  "I'll give you half an hour, you can go." Wang Miaomiao, with an open-minded attitude, made a condition by the way, "If you can get some fish and shrimp in half an hour, etc. Come back, no matter how much, I will let you go out to play for another hour in the afternoon."

  "Really, I went..." Wang Jiabao was so happy that he was impatient, and ran away from the back door. Country boys, fishing for fish and birds, must have skills.

  It was said to be half an hour, this guy went crazy as soon as he went out, how could he remember the time, and it took a full hour to come back with a grass net.

  At this time, Wang Miaomiao's food was already cooked, and it was too late to cook, so she could only save it for the evening.

  "Half an hour, you may not get something." Wang Pandi knew what she meant, but she didn't hold out much hope.

  "I know." Wang Miaomiao said with a smile, "It's icing on the cake, it's not a problem. If there's meat, I'll put a few more eggs." Of course, it is necessary to treat guests to dinner, but it is difficult for clever women to cook without rice, and they also no way. "He was tired of being pressed by me to study all morning, let him go out for a party,

work and rest..." Upon hearing this, Wang Pandi smiled and said nothing. The two went to the backyard to pick vegetables. Pick a few and add a dish.

  In the main room, Aunt Zhou also said straight to the point, and repeated Yang Zhigang's conditions and his fucking attitude. I didn't inquire about it clearly last time, and I said it in detail.

  "Zhigang is a good boy, he's older than Pandi, but it's okay to be older, he will hurt people." Aunt Zhou was entrusted by Fang Ci, she tried her best to match up, and said good things, "he The job is good, the Armed Forces Department is organized, and the public is properly fed. He is still a small leader, and there are seven or eight people under him."

  Yang Zhigang's conditions are good, of course Liu Yulan knows that, but she still has concerns, "The Yang family's conditions are good, Of course I know. But, after all, I said it to Zhaodi before, and now I'm talking about Pandi, I'm afraid Pandi has an idea, and, look at Zhaodi, there are still people in the village talking about it today, sigh..."

  "Yulan, Pandi has an idea or not. I'll tell you after I've seen it. How can I know if the two are fate if we don't look at each other." Zhou Fengjuan's eyes flashed, she was very concerned about Wang Pandi and Yang Zhigang. Shang Xin really hoped that the two of them would be successful, so that she could slap the faces of the three aunts and six grandmothers in the village.

  If Yang Zhigang and Wang Pandi became successful, who would dare to say that Zhou Fengjuan had bad intentions when she introduced Yang Zhigang to Wang Zhaodi, and that she and Liu Yulan were a raccoon dog to harm Wang Zhaodi.

  Yang Zhigang is in good condition. She, Wang Zhaodi, is not because she is suspicious and unlucky. She lost the watermelon and picked up Zhu Zicheng's sesame seeds.

  Liu Yulan would never cheat on her own daughter, Yang Zhigang and Wang Pandi became successful, it only shows that they were all for Wang Zhaodi at the beginning, but Wang Zhaodi didn't appreciate it.

  "If you don't want people in the village to know, then we don't see each other at home. Let's go to the town, let them have a chance encounter, and then go to the state-run restaurant for a meal together." Zhou Fengjuan also thought about it for a long time before coming up with the idea. This method, "Auntie, do you think it works?"

  "Oh, this method is good, and you will meet each other without knowing it." Aunt Zhou naturally supported and smiled, "At that time, if they see each other successfully, they will meet again. Let's take a deeper look, it's not just a chance encounter and we have a light meal together. What do you think, Yulan?"

  Liu Yulan finally nodded after thinking about it. She had met Yang Zhigang twice, and had a good impression of him. The young man was upright and polite, except for his lameness.

  She also didn't force Wang Pandi to see each other, and if she wasn't satisfied, she would pull it down. Besides, Aunt Zhou and Zhou Fengjuan are so active, she really can't refuse.

  "Okay. Then we'll meet at the town's supply and marketing agency at ten o'clock next Sunday." Liu Yulan gave a specific time, and it is estimated that Pandi's hand should be ready next Sunday.

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