Chapter 23

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Wang Zhaodi was also very surprised. She was a good worker, and she could usually take a woman's full centimeter. In the past few months, it was a lot of food.

  "Oh, it's a good thing. Zhaodi, I don't thank your mother yet." Li Xiaohua's mother spoke on behalf of the Li family, and Wang Zhaodi's aunt left, and someone had to speak up.

  Wang Zhaodi's mood ups and downs in this meeting is comparable to a roller coaster, and it is also very complicated.

  At this moment, she can only say thanks, "Thank you dad, thank you mom."

  Although she was also discussing in her heart, those who were originally hers, but took her things to be good people.

  But everyone doesn't think so, do you work all day and don't need to eat? Why is it all yours?

  Liu Yulan and Wang Miaomiao looked at each other tacitly, feeling that today's scene can be called the curtain call.

  "That's fine, Baoxing, go to the village chief early tomorrow, calculate Zhaodi's centimeter, and come back and arrange the food." Liu Yulan instructed Wang Baoxing.

  Wang Baoxing nodded quickly, his mood today was like a roller coaster, from being despised to being praised... It

  was the daughter and daughter-in-law who had the ability to turn the situation around. Otherwise, how to let him walk in the village in the future will be stabbed in the spine and talk for a lifetime.

  As for the eldest daughter, he has already done his best for this girl.

  Wang Miaomiao remembered that there was no silver bracelet in the original book, and it was very likely that Liu Yulan had taken him down. After all, Wang Zhaodi beat her daughter and lost her, and Wang Zhaodi took the initiative to run to the man's house. It's not honorable, Wang Baoxing is definitely not satisfied, and how good he will be to her.

  "Eldest sister, the list is ready, and there is still food left to write. You can fill it in by yourself tomorrow." Wang Miaomiao tore off the paper and handed it to her.

  Wang Zhaodi's eyes flashed, and she couldn't understand this little sister. She started to become so shrewd.

  She told about the silver bracelet and the food, so now everyone knows that she has a silver bracelet, and she is afraid that she will be missed.

  "Miao Miao, thank you eldest sister." Wang Zhaodi said thanks, but there was no gratitude in his eyes.

  Wang Miaomiao smiled brightly and didn't care about her hostility at all, "You're welcome. Oh, and the new clothes your second aunt made for you, I also wrote it for you. I don't know if she can get it in time tomorrow. If If you can catch up, then you can put on new clothes and go to the town to get the certificate, and the eldest brother-in-law will be delighted to see it."

  "How did you know that my second aunt made me new clothes?" Wang Zhaodi wondered.

  Wang Miaomiao smiled and said, "It was just a coincidence." Of course, she knew from the book that Zhang Hongfang had a violent fight with Li Yinfeng over this dress.

  As soon as everyone heard the new clothes, they also bought new clothes. Now, Wang Zhaodi's dowry is richer than the average family, and no one sympathizes with her anymore.

  Some people began to regret bringing things to add makeup, and some still had a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

  Early the next morning, Li Yinfeng went to Tang Mei to get back the finished clothes, a pale pink shirt and black pants.

  Sure enough, Zhang Hongfang thought it was made for her, and was very happy. She was about to try it, but she told Wang Zhaodi that she was in a good mood.

  Li Yinfeng said no matter what, and repeatedly promised to give her a new dress, plus a skirt before it was settled.   Li Yinfeng

  sighed and took her clothes to Wang's house. She felt a headache for her daughter's tenderness. She was seventeen, and she still looked like a young child. She was not mature and stable at all. What should I do when I married her husband's family?


  Li Yinfeng was walking full of thoughts, when she suddenly heard Zhang Hexiang calling her from a distance, and she stopped.

  "Yinfeng, who are you?" Zhang Hexiang walked over quickly and saw the new clothes in her hand, "For Zhao Di?"

  "Yes, yesterday, Jianqiang's daughter-in-law Tang Mei made it overnight. Today Recruit Di to get the certificate, but don't dress decently.

"Oh, you are sincere to her. "Zhang Hexiang pouted, with some doubts in her heart, "Then do you know that Jin Feng left a silver bracelet for Zhao Di? Did your mother pass it on to you?"

  "Ah?" Li Yinfeng was confused by her question and paused. It took a long time for her to react, and she said sullenly, "That bracelet was not given by my mother, but was given directly by my grandmother when she was sixteen years old. I also have one. It was also given to me by my grandmother on my sixteenth birthday, but in the year of the famine, I used it as an exchange for food. Alas..." Thinking of that bracelet was painful, that year was really miserable, Xiaofang fell ill again and needed to eat some supplements, so she replaced the bracelet with refined grains. Unexpectedly, Wang Baoxing was able to keep the bracelet for the recruits. Di. Hmph, he has a conscience.

  "Well, why didn't my grandmother leave anything for Dalong? He is the only male in the family. "This time, Zhang Hexiang is even more sour.

  "I don't know. I'll go first, Zhao Di is still waiting for me..." After Li Yinfeng finished speaking, she ignored her grievances and left...

  Zhang Hexiang was so angry Stomping.

  Li Yinfeng came to Wang's house and saw that Wang Baoxing was weighing food, and Wang Zhaodi had also sorted out the things.

  Li Yinfeng learned that those were sent by relatives in the village, and said to Wang Zhaodi, "Zhaodi, you must remember These people are good. "

  Wang Zhaodi nodded, "I see."

  Li Yinfeng tugged on her sleeve again, and the two walked aside, she whispered earnestly, "Your father can give you the bracelet and food to prove that he still has a conscience . When you arrive at Zhu's family, don't speak ill of your mother's family. You have a bad relationship with the Wang family. Zhao Di, marriage is a reincarnation, good or bad is a gamble. The daughter-in-law who has the support of her mother's family will not dare to bully her mother-in-law even if the water is poured out. How can a girl without the backing of her mother's family have any confidence? Oh, one life is hanging on a man, if a man is a little bad, you just wait and suffer..."

  Wang Zhaodi's eyes flickered, she didn't know how much Li Yinfeng's bitter words had been heard by her.

  Zhu Zicheng Yesterday, I went to the factory to ask for leave. This morning, I put on the latest clothes, rode the bicycle I borrowed, and came to Shanghuang Village beaming.

  For the two blind dates, he went to Zhang's family, and he didn't know Wang's family, but most of the villagers knew about Wang Zhaodi and him. Some people enthusiastically showed the way and came to Wang Zhaodi without any hindrance.

  Looking at the beautiful girl who had been specially dressed up in front of him, Zhu Zicheng was already smiling from ear to ear.

  The two happily went to the town, got the marriage certificate, and went to relocate the household registration. It was over in one morning.

  At noon, the two went to a state-run restaurant and ordered braised pork, braised fish, stir-fried vegetables and egg soup. After all, it was the wedding day, so the young couple celebrated by themselves as there was no banquet at home.

  Wang Zhaodi never thought that there would be a day when there would be fish and meat for her to open her stomach and eat enough.

  Looking at the man across from him who has been bringing vegetables to her, she feels that the future is full of hope.

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