Chapter 1 Who the H*ll are you?

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~*present day*~

"Who the h*ll are you?!?!?" the bald guy screamed at the blond boy besides me. He didn't look that scary, but he was probably tired because there were some eyebags that were visible.

"I'm Armin Alert from Shigashina diatrict!" a shrill voice replied with a salute.

"That's a stupid name! Who named you?"

"My grandpa!"

"It's still stupid, go change it!" That was the last thing that the constructor said to the blonde.

"Yes, sir!" He replied like an loyal dog.

Then he faced me, and I dared to look up at the once commander of the survey corps.

"Who. The. Heck. Are. You...?" This time, he didn't scream, but he said it slowly, probably to scare me. Now rewind, the survey corps? Yes I'm currently in the trainee camp to go there. Why? Well, you'll find out.

"Nyx Nightshade from the underground, sir," I said boredly, and saying 'sir' sarcastically.

We glared at each other while whispers swirled around us like a hurricane.

"*gasp* The underground? What is she doing here?"

"She doesn't belong"

"She's dangerous! Throw her out!"

"She's probably a thug."

Then the baldy decides to speak," What are you doing here, cadet?" I shrugged. "I got bored. I tried everything else from bungee jumping, to judo and kendo, to farming too." That got him an irk mark.

"J-just got bored?" he said, his voice trembling with anger. I nodded "That's about it." A family of irk marks popped out of his head, "Cadet." he said, "This is not a joke!"

I looked at him in the eye, "And I'm not either. This world is just a game. You might be rich and spoiled, you may need to steal to live, but I know one thing," I said, "I am not living, I am surviving." My eyes flashed with rage.

No, I thought, get yourself together, don't let the madness take over. If it does, GAME OVER...

 ~*Time skip*~

I mindlessly grab my spoon and lift it up, and plunge it down into my bowl of soup. Then up. Then down. Then up.... and it goes until a male voice calls, "Hey!" I look up and see a shiny turquoise eyes. "It's pretty." I muttered. He looked confused," Huh?" "Your eyes, they're pretty," I repeated.

He grins and hold out his hands, "Hi, I'm Eren Jaeger," the brunette says, "And this is my sister Mikasa Ackerman," he points at a girl with jet black hair and a red scarf," and this is Armin, you probably know him." I nodded.

"U-um, c-can I-I-I ask y-you a q-q-question?" the blonde stutters and I nodded. "What did you mean by the world is a game?" he asked.

I happily answered that with many others listening. " Well you know the Earth spins," I twirled my index finger. "Like the video game, it goes around and around and around. And if you die, game over. No way back here." I said before getting further into explaining.

As I was explaining, a snort comes from a brunette with a horse like face. I glare at him, "What's your problem?" I ask. He closes his eyes for a second then opens it, "But is that what other people think?"

"I understand your point." I said, "It's like thinking that Armin will become Hitler when he grows facial hair." Then I stand up and so does he.

We walk towards each other. "But," I continued, "I know that because I've seen many 'game overs' and I have experienced pain." then I sneer, "but it's not like a horse-face would know what it feels like to be abused by your dad, that's a loyal."

"What did you say little girl?" he asked angered. When he called me a little girl, I had massive rage inside of me, despite the fact that I am about 5'1.  "I called you. a. horse. face." I said darkly.

"Why you-" before he could say anything else, I turned to Eren, who was enjoying the entertainment, and told him to open the door. He grinned and obeyed my orders and did as I said.

I go next to Horse-face who had his back to the door and punched him. At least it wasn't in the face or anything, just on the gut. He blasted out of the mess hall and  I heard a female voice, potato girl, scream bloody murder.

I chuckled and looked at everyone, "Now," I said, "anybody want to say anything about my height?" everybody shook their head in fear of being punched.

 ~*Next year*~*3rd P.O.V*~

"Hey shorty!" an annoying voice yelled. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "What do you want- sh*t glasses?" She grinned like a maniac. "Erwin said that we're going to check on the new recruits tomorrow." Then, she started to talk about Titans. Only Titans.

"Leave!" He yelled. Then he was left alone. Finally, peace again. But he groaned. "Not for long." He thought

He stood up and walked out of my office cursing and muttering. "If Erwin keeps making me meet useless brats, at least give me less crappy paperwork." There you have it, being the humanities strongest soldier is not fun. But mostly, he couldn't focus on the paperwork worrying about a little someone. But literally, that person was even shorter than his 5'3 height.

He walked in his meeting room for his squad and everybody stood up and saluted. "Corporal!"."Levi heichou!"."Captain!"." Sir!" He waved his hand.  At ease brats." He dismissed," I will be absent tomorrow, Erd, you're in charge." Then he walked to the door, with his cape fluttering behind him.

"Oh, and one more thing. Get this place cleaned up, it looks like sh*t." Levi said without turning around, then left. Ah, the same old him, people barely change these days.

 ~*The next day*~* Nyx POV*~

Ahhh. The sun was bright and as being an blood type AB, I am not a morning person. I growled when I woke up, remembering what baldy had said.

Then I got dressed and headed out and saw all the squad leaders from the survey corps, but there was this familiar person standing next to a blonde. Someone that that was short, has gray-ish blue eyes that has an undercut. It looked so familiar so much like...... Levi? A squad leader?


 Yes! The Levi has returned ! Please comment ! I would also like it if you vote this book...... Please check out Nightmare in the Dark Wild!

 peace and cupcakes ~ yolo


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