On the Same Page

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You pout at your phone screen. Damn Google maps! You turned left and right holding your phone out trying to see which way to go. Taehyung wraps one arm around you just under your collarbones, his thumb playing with the exposed skin of you shoulder.

"Let me see," he took your phone from you and did the same sweep left to right. He opened his mouth wide, silently asking for the ice cream cone in your hand. You lift it to his tongue and he takes a big lick. 

He continues to stare at your phone, lips smacking the ice cream. You smile to yourself, loving how he is leaning into you and together you subconsciously begin to sway.

"I don't know babe, let's just keep walking. I'm sure we'll find it."

"I'm sorry I got us lost," You pout, embarrassed. He laughs and wraps his other arm around your waist.

"If we hadn't gotten lost, we never would have found that cute little ice cream shop. Stop worrying about it!" He kisses your cheek and you nod.

"Taehyung?" You both look up as someone calls his name. Three men are staring at you, three very good looking men. 

You look to Tae to gauge his reaction. Does he have a polite smile for acquaintances he doesn't really want to talk to? No, his boxy smile is wide, eyes crinkling. He grabs your hand and leads you to them.

Two of them are taller than Taehyung, one is shorter but still taller than you. Tae hugs the first, he has gorgeous dimples and blond hair pushed up off his forehead. You catch his name, Namjoon. 

The next name you hear is Jin. He's got a hat on dark hair, full lips and a face that is sweet, almost innocent. Jimin is last. Jimin looks fun. His hair is bubblegum pink and when he smiles, his eyes completely disappear.

Taehyung tugs you forward to introduce you. "This is my girlfriend, Y/N." You try not to start, it was the first time that Tae had ever introduced you as his girlfriend. You take a deep breath to calm the butterflies in your stomach. 

You had been casually seeing each other for over three months now, well casual isn't the right word. Neither of you were seeing anyone else, but you never defined your relationship with actual words. But there it was now, clearly defined.

Jimin leans in, stepping close and smiling wide. He takes his bottom lip into his mouth and bites on it.

"So this is Y/N? I've heard a lot about you. Tae Tae can't stop talking about you." His voice is light, but teasing and you don't know who he's teasing, you or Taehyung.

"Leave her alone, Jimin," Namjoon scolds as he holds out a hand to you. So teasing you then. You shake Namjoon's hand and resist the urge to poke his dimple.

"He does talk about you a lot though!" Jin says enthusiastically. They laugh and you join in. As Seokjin laughs, he covers his mouth slightly with his hand. Then when he finishes laughing he extends his hand to you, "I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin, everyone does."

"Nice to meet you," You say to the group in general, bowing a little. Taehyung tuts, the way he does when he thinks you've done something adorable and you chuckle. What was cute about that?

"So where are you guys headed?" Namjoon asks. 

At the same moment Tae notices the ice cream cone that has melted all over your hand. You hold the cone away from your body, just noticing too. You look around in vain, hoping that napkins would just magically appear. 

Tae takes the cone from you and hands it to Jin who eagerly starts cleaning up the cone. Tae brings your ice cream covered hand to his mouth and starts tonguing it clean. You try to pull away, horrified, but he holds firm as he answers Namjoon in between licks.

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