Didn't Say No

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"You're acting suspicious," You playfully glared at Taehyung. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye with a smug smile. 

"What do you mean? I've been a perfect gentleman," He said grandly. He winked at you and you sighed, it didn't look like he was going to tell you anything. 

"Hey..." You finally recognized where you were, "What are we doing here?" Taehyung pulled into the underground parking of his father's company building. 

"I need to pick something up, it won't take long, then we can go to dinner." He took your hand and led you to the elevator. He was being so cute today, but suspiciously so. As you waited by the elevator he took both your hands and switched kissing the knuckles on one hand, then the other, over and over again until you giggled.

The elevator dinged and you both stepped in. Tae hit a button and then immediately pulled you into his chest as he backed up into the elevator. He bumped his nose against yours and you sighed happily.

"Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?" His husky voice made you shiver.

"I can never hear it enough from you, my love." You kissed him lightly. 

"So. damn. beautiful!" He kissed you between each word and you felt yourself melting as he deepened the kiss, drawing your body closer to him. You whimpered a little into the kiss and he growled in response, nipping at your bottom lip before smoothing it out with his tongue. He returned his tongue to your mouth just as the elevator dinged.

"Well fuck," Taehyung chuckled, "I kind of forgot where we were!" You giggled because honestly you had too. He took your hand and led you out of the elevator. But this wasn't Tae's floor, you didn't know what floor this was.

"Don't think, just follow!" Taehyung took you down the hall and to the left. Don't think? Just follow? What in the world did that mean? And you were definitely thinking about it now that he told you not to! 

There were no offices down this hallway, it was empty of anything and wasn't longer than 20 feet. At the end of the hallway was a door that said "Roof Access". Taehyung opened the door and held it open for you. Inside was a stairwell. You looked from the stairwell to Tae's bright mischievous smile and you decided to play along. You stepped through the door.

Taehyung took your hand and together you climbed the two flights of stairs together. You wanted to ask so many questions, but you didn't. At the top of the two flights of stairs was another door. He waited for a moment, almost bouncing with excitement, before he opened it up with a flourish. You looked out the door and gasped. 

There was a white canopy set up with a small table and two chairs underneath it. On the table was a white tablecloth and votive candles that glowed with a realistic, flickering light. The part that took your breath away was the twinkling lights that were strung through the top of the canopy casting a warm, magical glow over the area around it. 

"Tae..." You turned to him in surprise, "Did you do this?" Your voice was breathy with emotion and tears were pricking at your eyes. His smile was shy as he nodded. His hands found yours and he tugged you to the canopy. 

The further you walk out onto the roof, the more of the city's skyline you can see all lit up against the dark sky. It was breathtaking. Tae wrapped himself around you from behind as you took the landscape in. 

You stood there together for several minutes. The feeling of his chest moving against your back as he breathed, the way that his fingers stroked yours, and the way his lips gently ghosted of your skin made you feel aroused, at peace, and excited all at the same time. 

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