Unplanned Meeting

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"Fuuuuck," he groaned in your ear as he released and thrusted into you a few more times. Your legs were shaking, still wrapped around him and you were basking in the post orgasm feeling, the slow pounding of your heart that seemed to vibrate through your entire body. 

You loved that feeling almost as much as the orgasm itself. You wondered if he could feel your body vibrating too. He might, he was flush against you, breathing into your neck, coming down from his own high.

Taehyung lifted himself up on his elbows to look into your eyes. "Damn, I love you!" He chuckled before diving in to taste your lips, tonguing them open, almost desperate for your tongues to touch. He sighed into the kiss and pulled away far too soon. He collapsed on his back and laughed again, draping an arm across his face covering his eyes. It was comforting to know that the sex had been just as good for him as it had been for you.

This was still all too new for you. Taehyung was the first man you had been with in awhile and it was wrecking havoc on your emotions. You craved him, all day long you thought about his skin and his moans. You let out a shaky breath, kissed his shoulder and then his lips before getting up and going to the bathroom. After cleaning yourself up, you stood at the sink playing with the water. 

He had said "I love you." It couldn't be true, it was post sex euphoria, it was raging hormones, it was not love, but it gave you butterflies none the less. You took a deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it come out, shaky and unsure. 

You've only known each other three weeks, it was too early to be saying shit like that, wasn't it?

You first met this Gucci boy at an art gallery. You were an artist yourself, amateur, but you loved looking at art and appreciating the skills of others. That's what led you to the new exhibit on a Saturday afternoon.

You were both staring at the same painting. It made your heart hurt, it was so beautiful. He must have noticed how intensely you were staring because he leaned over and asked if you were going to buy it. You jumped, not knowing he was there. You laughed lightly,

"No, I could never afford it," You were suddenly uncomfortable, a little embarrassed by your leggings and dirty tennis shoes. He was in a navy blue, loose fitting button up shirt, a nice pair of slacks and odd open toed slip on sandals. You looked up at him, confused by his choice in foot wear. 

He was looking at you, a smirk on his face. Your heart clenched and you looked back at the painting. He was too beautiful to look at. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him turn back to the painting as well.

"How about I buy it for you?" There was a hint of humor in his low voice and you snorted.

"Buy it for yourself," You laughed, never taking your eyes off the painting, you couldn't look at him again, you knew you would give yourself away if you did. You could feel him staring at you.

"Maybe I will." He walked away and you watched as he found the curator and started talking with her. So that was it. You turned back to the painting and sighed. You would never own anything so beautiful. It hurt more than expected to know this painting belonged to him and, strangely, to have him walk away. You sighed again. Time to go.

You turned to walk away and there he was, boxy smile, dark hair lightly curling around his neck. 

"I'm Taehyung. Come have coffee with me!" he said brightly and that's how it began. He didn't seem to like his coffee very much, only occasionally taking a sip and grimacing when he did. You smiled into your cup. 

He asked you question after question, leaning forward and staring at you with his dark luscious eyes, coffee colored and earnest. He frequently stuck out his tongue and licked his bottom lip and you tried so hard to keep your thoughts clean. 

Especially because as he leaned forward, his loose fitting shirt let you see the firm planes of his upper chest. The Gucci pendant on his necklace bounced beautifully against his collarbone.

You got in a few questions of your own. He liked art, no surprise there, and jazz, which did surprise you. He worked at his father's company and his mother had passed away just a few years ago. He didn't expressly say that he was well off, but the Gucci necklace and the ability to buy the painting earlier spoke volumes. 

You talked comfortably for hours, a real feat for you. You hated small talk and honestly didn't really like sharing your time with other people. Maybe you were too used to your solitude. But as you said your good byes, your heart felt like it was being choked. The idea of never seeing him again, losing this connection, it was overwhelming and more than a little confusing.

"Would you like to do this again?" He looked sheepish and bit his bottom lip. Your relief was like a wave, knocking a huff of breath out of you. You cleared your throat,

"I would really like that!" You sounded breathy and you cursed yourself inwardly. He smiled broadly and asked for your number. After numbers were exchanged and saved, it was finally time to part.

Taehyung leaned in close and softly pressed his lips to your cheek bone. The warmth of his lips blossomed on your cheek, warm and sweet. You closed your eyes, savoring the feeling. He stayed close for a moment, breathing on to the flowering feeling, before straightening.

"It was really nice meeting you, Y/N." He smiled and waved as he walked away. You had mixed feelings, you wanted to jump and shout, you wanted to collapse right on the sidewalk, instead, you smiled shyly to yourself and walked home in a daze.

Later that night you were making dinner, the stupid grin on your face still there, you couldn't get rid of it, no matter how many times you tried, your phone pinged. Your heart leaped in your throat as you read the new message

Taehyung💖: Hey gorgeous! What are doing tomorrow? Let's go to lunch! 😊

With shaking fingers you set up a time and a place. You couldn't help jumping up and down a few times before throwing yourself on the couch with a sigh. You couldn't believe this was happening. You laid there for a few minutes, happy and oblivious, until the loud sizzling at the stove made you dash madly to save your dinner.

That's how it started: lunch a couple of times, dinner a few times, and then

"I have that painting hanging up in my bedroom now." It was the first time he had mentioned the painting since you met two weeks ago. He swung his hand in yours as you walked down the street.                                                                                                                                                                                      "Want to come see it?" He pulled you to a stop and looked at you with such mischief that you knew this was his version of 'Do you want to see my cat?' but you couldn't say no. That was almost a week ago and you had seen that painting every day since then.

You turned off the water, dried your hands, and walked back into the room. The painting hung over his bed, breathtaking and inspiring. Taehyung was propped up on one elbow, looking at you with a soft smile, his exposed chest on full display. You physically gulped, he was so beautiful, the painting paled in comparison to him.

"You were gone so long," he pouted. You smiled shyly as you climbed under the comforter with him. He looped an arm around your hip and tugged your body underneath his. You couldn't help but gasp at the contact with his warm body. His huge boxy smile lit up his face as he buried his head in your neck and sucked at it.

"Mmmm, I love you," he hummed against your skin.

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