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I wake up once again to Khonsu yelling at me to get up.

"Wake up!"

"Hey mummy pigeon, it's 6 in the morning! Let me sleep!" I groan.

"Your gonna want to get up soon if you want to get this mission done anytime soon." Khonsu says.

"He's going to the IHOP down the street, it would be a shame if his target victim happened to show up at the same restaurant."

"Ugh." I say rolling out of bed.

I put on a fresh outfit, brush through my mess of hair, brush my teeth, clean up the hotel room a bit and head out the door.

I walk to IHOP and when I walk in I notice a guy who matches the photo of David sitting down alone.

"Excuse me sir?" I say walking over, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Can I help you?" David asks, his eyes light up when he looks at me.

"I was just wondering if I could sit here? I'm new in town and don't really like sitting alone, and you seemed friendly!" I lie, he looks like he got ran over by a garbage truck.

"Yeah, yeah of course, I'm David." He says reaching his hand over the table to shake mine.

"Jaqueline." I lie shaking his hand in return.

We talk for a while and eat, he invites me to come back to his place and of course I agree.

We get to his house and go inside, he immediately locks the door.

I grin when he looks away.

"Is there something in your basement it seems awfully loud down there?" I ask.

"Oh that's just my dogs, they like to play fight." He shakes it off.

"Oh, ok." I say. "I should probably get going."

"Oh, no I think you should stay, I have a wonderful surprise for you." He says walking towards me.

"Ok I think" I put on my suit. "I'm leaving"

He immediately takes a few steps back.

"What the fuck are you?" He looks concerned, and I silently grab a blade.

I throw it directly at his chest, it only goes in about an inch, so not enough to cause any serious damage.

Nonetheless he falls to the floor in pain.

I grab another blade, and walk over, picking him up by his shirt and throwing him so he sprawls on the floor.

I lean down and whisper.

"You'll never hurt another kid again." And with that I dig the blade deep into his heart, he screams for a bit before actually dying.

When I'm sure he's dead I run downstairs, I find about 15 girls all tied and gagged.

They all try and back into a wall when they see me, but once I free one they all are trying to be next.

Once their all free, they run. They run out the house and back into the world, I have no way of making sure that they all adjust back into society after that kind of traumatic experience.

I head back to the hotel not knowing what to do now that I won't be going home until tomorrow.

I take a nap, though it's pretty much useless because now there's more nightmares, filled with Harrow, Saorise, and David. Will this ever end?

It's been a few hours since I've got back to the hotel, it's about 12:30.

Suddenly I get an idea, and I'm not far from where it would take place.

Moon Knightress: Journey of SelfWhere stories live. Discover now