When Does it End?

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"A killer..." the words taste sour as they leave. But they have to be correct right?

"You just don't get it."  He says.


(AN: Just a disclaimer, there will be a lot of things that are not true to the ways they are in England I apologize but I'm from the US 🤷)

I was never able to go home that night, it's been 3 months, it's the week before Halloween. I see Jake on the occasional mission though since September I haven't gone on many. I bed hop and stay in some hotels on occasion, faked registration for school, and just want to go home.

Every god damn week Khonsu asks the same question: who are you? And I've given up on ever finding the answer he wants. Why does he care? He didn't care if Marc knew who he was!

I've noticed Marc and Layla hanging around school every once in a while and regardless of how much I want to go home, I can't.

Luckily this morning is not one of those days, coast is clear as I walk to school.

I overhear some kids making plans for trick or treating, and others planning on sabotaging trick or treating. Marc used to take me trick or treating back in the US, he'd even dress up to match me.

I walk to my locker, pulling the drawstrings of my hoodie to stop any jerks from pulling it off. I quickly grab my text books and walk to my first class.

I hear some whispers as I walk by, people have come up with the most out of pocket rumors since they found out Saorise died, some of which aren't too far from the truth.

"Um excuse me, are you y/n?" Some timid year 9 guy asks walking up. I notice a group of more year 9's laughing across the hall.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I know almost immediately what he's going to say.

"Is it true you killed your ex because she cheated on you last year?" He asks, he still looks terrified.

"You wouldn't believe me if I said no, so why bother asking?" I say trying to walk away.

"Hey I think you should answer the question." Holy shit. Some super tall muscular guy appeared out of now where, it doesn't take me long however to recognize Daniel Wilson.

"I have to get to class." I say trying to maneuver around him.

"You wanna get to class your gonna have to answer Greyson here's question." He says walking towards me, he's not much taller than me but it's enough he looks threatening. I walk backwards to keep some distance.

I keep trying to get away from him but he eventually has me backed into a locker, can the bell please ring? And what about the hall monitors? I can't piss without a pass but they'll let this happen?

"Daniel move!" I try to push him away from me but he stays put. He is the captain of the soccer (football) team so I don't know why I expected it to work. Though I also don't know why he's wasting time on me.

"Answer the question Spector, or are you just scared of everyone knowing your a murderer?" He grins at the word murderer.

"Summon the suit! Kick his ass!" Konshu says, if it weren't for his raspy old man voice he'd sound like an excited toddler.

"Daniel!" A teacher yells, he ignores her.

He just keeps going, telling me how gross I am, how I'm incapable of love, ect. I want to show weakness but I can't stop the tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Daniel!" Ms. Harris is pulling his shoulder away from me, eventually a few hall monitors join in, taking him down To the office.

"You alright?" One of the monitors asks me, I nod, I hadn't even noticed the bell had rang.

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