Ancestral Debate

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I'm not sure if Marc included Layla in his little deal with T'Challa but I'm sure he's filled her in by now.

The fact that he wanted me so badly to stay in the hospital and then completely changed his mind weirds me out a bit.

But nonetheless here I am, in the center of Wakanda, walking into what looks like a lab, alongside King T'Challa.

A girl that looks a few years older than me, maybe early twenties, runs in and pauses when she she's me.

"Another broken American, Brother?" She asks, I grin awkwardly in response, trying to be friendly.

"Shuri, you remember Marc Spector right?" T'Challa says, I can tell his mood has gotten lighter since we walked in.

"Of course, but that is not him."  She remarks, T'Challa laughs.

"I'm y/n, Marc's daughter." I say stretching my hand to shake, she eyes me and turns back to T'Challa.

"Alright get out of my lab I have work to do." She says, waving her hands in a shooing motion, they both laugh and T'Challa leaves. "Come, Spector." She says walking away, she is not the same as she seems in the news.

I follow her to a more open part of the lab, a few chairs spread randomly throughout.

"Sit." She says, pointing at a chair near the one she just say in. "Are you also the servant of that made up god... what's his name... Khonsu?"

"Unfortunately yes, Wait/ I'm sorry princess, but did you just call Khonsu 'Made up'?" I ask sitting down across from her.

"Some princess!" I hear Khonsu remark.

"We'll yes of course, you expect me to believe in a mummy with a falcon head controlling the night sky?" She asks.

"This coming from someone who believes in the ancestral plane?" I ask, remembering Taweret's comment about how pretty it is.

"Of course I believe in the Ancestral plane. Do you have proof it's not real?" She sounds slightly defensive, which I understand.

"No, I know it is, but I also know the Duat is real, and so are infinite different afterlives."

"How on earth could the Duat be real? You expect me to believe that if your heart weighs the same as a feather you go to a field of reeds?" She asks

"Because I've been there." I say finally.

"You've been to the Duat?"


"So you've died?" She's more curious than defensive now.

"Yeah, gunshot in the middle of an Egyptian tomb." I say lifting my shirt to show a small scar a few inches above my belly button.

I tell her all about how I got frozen in the Duat, how we passed through the gates of Osiris, and how I became Khonsu's avatar. I think I finally get her to understand my side of things.

"So that's what broke you? Dying and coming back to life? This should be easy."

"Oh no that was almost 6 months ago, I'm good from that. But please go on."

"I think I can handle you, I helped a man who had his arm ripped off and was a tortured mind controlled assassin for 70 years." She says confidently.

"Oh yeah James Barnes right?"

"Bucky." She corrects.

"Ok, let's see, I've died, came back to life, ran away from home to serve a violent god, tried committing suicide, failed because of said violent god, got kidnapped by a serial killer that same night for a week, was beaten, whipped and tortured nonstop through that entire week, was free for like 2 days before being kidnapped by the same guy, this time however he was able to control my every move just by saying the word 'avatar' for a full month before trying to get me to murder my own parents, and here we are." When I'm done, it takes Shuri a second before speaking.

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