Vampires vs mummies

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"How the hell do you know my name?" Bucky looks pissed, but I can tell there's a tinge of fear in his eyes.

"Shuri, she couldn't shut up about you the entire time I was in Wakanda." I say, slightly rushing out of fear. In my defense he has a fucking Vibranium arm.

"Buck! We gotta go meet Sarah and the kids for the cake tasting thing!" I hear the man yell from inside the apartment.

"Gimme a second Sam!" Bucky calls back. "Kid, you gotta go."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, bye" I say walking back down the hallway.

God! How could I have been so stupid? I mean seriously, show up at his house and then what?

I'm thinking this as I rush outside, I almost go to flag down a cab but remember that I spent all my money in the first ride. Idiot.

At this point, the fastest way back is by rooftop, so that's what I do.

And just my luck as I reach the roof, it starts fucking pouring.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Bucky and Sam come out, they're laughing. Bucky says something to Sam, which earns him a kiss to the cheek.

If there was one thing I learned about Bucky through Shuri, it was the Bisexual vibes she got from him.

A lot clap of thunder goes off and I shut up, leaping over the rooftops of New York.

One more block of houses before I'm home.


"Fuck!" I yell aloud as I fall face first into the alley. "Fuck you too Thor!"

Fucking lightning, in the bright side, my armor was finally working properly and from what I could tell, I had no injuries from either the strike or the fall.

Once I made sure I was ok, I made the quick walk home.

"I'm back!" I call into the apartment.

"Where the hell were you?" Marc asks looking like he's gonna punch something.

"I told Layla I was leaving!"

"Not what I asked."

"I was on a mission!" I lie


"A few blocks away."

"Come here." He says walking towards the TV.

A news station is on, showing what looks like a cargo ship.

"Another victim of the vampire killer has been found completely drained of blood." The broadcaster says.

"Ok, and?"

"I don't want you going out alone." Marc still looks pissed but I can tell he's more scared than anything.

"He only kills at night I'll be fine."


"Besides, don't I need to start back up in school?" I say, it is March after all.

"You'll start back up next year." He says shaking off the whole Ex-Doctor turned murderer on the lose.

"Dad... I'd be a senior. There is no next year as far as school goes." I remind him. I'm not usually the kid of kid to want to go to school but this is a different situation.

"Whatever, we'll figure it out ok?"

"Yeah, sure."

I agree, and like Marc, try to drop the idea of Michael Morbius and his victims, but I can't.

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