It Doesn't.

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"Woah Woah, no need to get violent you can drop the suit." He sounds slightly panicked.

"Yeah no, considering the circumstances, I think violence is the best option." I retort

"Fine, have it your way." He sighs a bit, I grab a blade, though I'm unable to actually do anything with it, who would've thought the god of the fucking night sky would forget night vision?

Apparently the guy realized that o was pretty much helpless, and decided to take advantage of it, seeing as immediately my arms were being held behind my back, and a slightly dampened cloth was held over my nose and mouth, this isn't the movies but it works pretty much just as fast.


When I first open my eyes, the first thing I notice, it's super fucking bright. Maybe it's just me but it literally feels like staring into the sun from 2 feet away.

Next I notice that I'm in a mostly empty room, there's a table with some stuff I can't quite identify on it. And I'm on a chair, with my hands tied behind my back and my feet tied to the legs, and a strip of fabric tied around my mouth as a gag.

It's a pretty tall room, and I notice a operating room like gallery quite a ways up, though at this angle I can't tell if there's anyone in there.

My thoughts are disrupted as a man literally wearing all black except for a floral fabric mask, pretty sure I had the same one 5 years ago. Anyway, he's holding a sort of plastic plate and apparently he wasn't expecting me to be awake considering he jumped and almost lost his plate thing.

"Oh. Your awake. This should be fun." He's not the guy from earlier, which I'm slightly disappointed by, but I'm more curious what he means.

I start trying to pull at my wrists, it's super fucking thick rope.

The guy has set down his plate and is walking towards me with an empty syringe.

Fuck no, I hate needles.

Nonetheless I'm not flexible enough to get my arms from around the chair to escape, especially considering my legs also being restrained.

I try to twist away but fail. And no matter how hard I try to keep a straight face it fucking hurts.

"It wouldn't hurt so bad if you didn't move." The man says holding a syringe now full of my blood. Like I haven't heard that a hundred times, still fucking hurts, or maybe I just have a low pain tolerance.

The guy walks out with the plate and my blood, leaving me alone again.

I sit quietly and still for a bit, trying to make sense of what's going on.

Ok so I've been kidnapped, I have no idea where I am but someone just took a sample of my blood. There are possibly people watching me from the gallery thing, and Marc and Layla might think I ran away again and not do anything about it. Even summoning the suit won't work considering I can't move.

"You're pathetic. You know that?" Khonsu shows up kneeling in front of me. I can really only glare at him in return. "I mean, i give you all this, and you get kidnapped from your own home?"

Marc got kidnapped plenty of times, is this how he reacted with him? He pisses me off, why is Marc always the better Avatar?

Khonsu disappears and I'm left alone again.

It's been about an hour of sitting alone, when a new man comes in.

He doesn't speak instead he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at me. I decide to make eye contact and stare directly back at him. Maybe if I don't act scared they'll give up?

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