Marvin the magnificent x reader (Dyed)

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No one's PoV
It was a usual Tuesday night. Damp and boring. The whole manor was as chaotic as ever and no one would change it for the world.
In Marvin's room however, there were some very serious decisions being made. Some would say life or death decisions, some would say they couldn't care less...but who needs those king of people anyway? Like who asked for your opinion ebeneezer Scrooge.
Anyway,from your room at the end of the hall, loud music could be heard blasting through speakers.

I had decided that since I was bored and left unsupervised, I was going to dye my hair the most obnoxious colour that the shop sold. All they had was a really bright, neon green dye so I decided that would do. (No hate to the green hair gang, I too have green hair :) ) I was mid way through putting the dye on when I heard a loud pounding on my door. I open it a slither to glance out at whoever it was...

It was Dark, and he did not look happy, (not that he ever does look happy but he looks even less happy) due to the fact that I didn't feel like losing my head today, I acted as polite as I could. "Hey Dark, everything alright? You look stressed man." He simply glared at me and huffed. Rolling my eyes, I turn off the music and then do a dramatic little bow in front of him. "Anything else my leige?" He shoves me lightly and mutters a 'problem child' before making his exit.

Waving enthusiastically to Dark as he walks away, I turn my music back on. Just as he rounds the corner I hear a loud groan and heavy footsteps heading back down the stairs.

Smiling in success, I go to close my door but I see a head pop out from down the hallway. "Hey Marvin! What you up to?" I shout down the long hallway. "Not much, just redying my hair to brown. You?" Is the response I get yelled back at me "I'm dying my hair neon green cause I think it'll look dope. We should dye together just for the crack." I shout back at him with an excited tone. "Yeah sure, just let me grab my stuff and I'll be right down!"

No one's PoV
And just like that, you and Marvin spent the rest of your day hanging out and dying each other's hair. You listened to loud, obnoxious music, watched stupidly old movies on tv and shit talked all the other egos. If you were to ask me, I would say it was a very successful evening.

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