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Sadie Pov

We finally made it to the Country Club.

We look at the place in awe.

"Pretty swank, Daph," Fred said smiling.

"Yeah, looks like my uncle really outdid himself this time," Daphne said smiling.

Fred park the van at the entrance and we got out. When we did, we were greeted by Daph's uncle.

Daphne's uncle laughs warmly. "Is that my favourite niece?"

"Uncle Thorny," Daphne said smiling as she and her uncle hug each other.

Her uncle looks at me with a unclely smile. "Is that Sadie who always sent cookies?"

I smile. "Hi Mr. Blake."

"No please call me Uncle Thorny. You are Daph's best friend," Uncle Thorny said smiling unclely.

I smile and nodded.

"Anyways, thank you again, uncle. I don't know what we would've done without these summer jobs," Daphne said smiling.

"Yeah. And, again, just for the record...it's a well-known fact that scarecrows are afraid of fire—" Shaggy was cut off by me.

I use some of my abilities to zip his lips so he can stop talking.

"Fred, Shaggy and Velma, I'd like you to meet Thorton Blake IV," Daphne said smiling.

Uncle Thorny corrects her. "Fifth, actually."

"Uncle Thorny, this is the rest of the gang. This is Shaggy. Fred who is dating Sadie. And Velma," Daphne said introducing the three at one of a time.

As she did that, Uncle Thorny shake hands with Shaggy and Velma while sharing a fist bump with Fred. I lean into Fred who puts his arm around me.

Daphne started introduce Scoobs. "And—"

"Scooby-Doo. Nice to meet you, Uncle Thorny," Scooby Doo said smiling as he shaking hands with Uncle Thorny then he grabbed his camera and took a picture of himself and Uncle Thorny. "Smile." Scooby Doo giggles and walks back to me and Fred.

I smile amusing at Scooby.

"Well, I'm sure glad to have you all on board this summer. Grab your stuff, get settled, and park that thing in the back. Oh. You're gonna need to get a good night's sleep. Your shifts start at 6 a.m. sharp," Uncle Thorny said.

We nodded agreeing.

Uncle Thorny leaves.

"There's a 6 a.m.?" Shaggy asked confused.

I look at Shaggy annoyed. "Who gets up in 6 a.m. to make our school lunches, does the laundry, make breakfast and make sure you're awake for school?"

Shaggy smiles sheepily. "Like you do, sis."

"That's right, I do everything," I said.


We finally were park at the staff quarters. We started to grab our bags. Fred was having trouble helping Daph with her bags so as a good and wonderful girlfriend and best friend I use my abilities on the bags gently and Daph's bags were floating.

Fred sighs relief but smiles softly to me. "Thanks beautiful."

"Your welcome, handsome," I said softly smiling.

"I'm so happy that we got your abilities to help," Daphne said softly smiling.

I chuckle softly.

"So who's sharing a room?" Velma asked.

"Velma and Daphne shares a room, Shaggs and Scoobs shares a room and Me and Sadi shares a room," Fred said softly.

"No. Sadie is staying with me and Scoobs," Shaggy said.

Fred glares at Shaggy. "You don't choose because you weren't worried or concerned about your own sister only worry about yourself."

I try to stop them.

"Of course I'm worried and concerned about Sadie! She's my sister!" Shaggy said angrily.

"Well it didn't look like it back at the shop," Fred said angrily.

I had it. My eyes turn bright Blue. "Enough!"

The others look at me in shock but also concerned about my eyes.

I dropped Daphne bags on the ground again as I glare at the two people that I care about.

"I'm going to share a room with my boyfriend you understand, Norville," I said angrily.

Shaggy nodded softly.

I pick up my bags and Fred's bag and walk away from the others as I call Fred's name. "Fred!"

Third Pov

"Coming sweetheart," Fred calls out as he catches up with Sadie after throwing a glare at Shaggy.

Shaggy sighs softly. He made his sister upset and angry.

Daphne and Velma looks at Shaggy in disappointment but the two still help Shaggy with the sack of Scooby Snacks.


Fred and Sadie were in their room unpacking their suitcases.

Fred noticed his girlfriend is being quiet while unpacking her suitcase. So he walk over and hugs from behind her. Sadie turns around in his arms and hugs him.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours, love?" Fred asked softly.

Sadie smiles softly but sighs softly. "I don't know what's going on with Shaggs, Freddy. He's been acting like this since school ended and when he saw us making out in the van."

"Well even if he's a jerk maybe he wasn't ready to have his baby sister having a boyfriend," Fred said softly as he still hugs her while running his fingers through her hair.

Sadie smiles softly and looks up at Fred. "I still wanna thank you for helping me getting over my fear of water, Freddy."

Fred smiles softly. "Your welcome, sweetheart."

They both share a kiss before going back to unpacking.

words: 868

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