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Third Pov

Still Night Time

Same outfit from the last chapter

Fred was driving up to the light house.

Daphne, Shaggy, Velma and Scooby was sitting in the back of the van while Sadie was sitting in the passenger seat wide awake now and looking out of the window with a blank expression.

Fred parks the mystery machine van in front of the light house and turn off the van and they got out.

"Heh. Would you look at that. Our first suspect just happens to be the keeper of a creepy old lighthouse," Fred said.

They walk up the steps with flashlights.

"You know, just once...I wish we found a mystery that started in a cheery futon showroom," Shaggy said.

They stopped walking and Velma, Daphne, Sadie and Fred looks at Shaggy.

Shaggy looks and saw them giving him looks. "What?"

Sadie roll her eyes and continue walk up the steps without the others.

"Futons offer far more support than traditional mattresses," Shaggy said.

Fred shakes his head and goes up the steps and walks to Sadie and wraps an arm around her waist.

Daphne, Shaggy and Velma walks up the steps with flashlights and stands behind Fred and Sadie.

Sadie press the doorbell.

It wasn't a normal doorbell sound. It was a Foghorn blows.

They give eachother confuse looks about the sound.

Then Fred bangs his fist on the door. Then he tries the doorknob but it was lock then he bangs on the door again.

The five of them exchanged looks.

"Well, looks like the light's on but nobody's home," Daphne said.

Fred was about to say something but Shaggy beat him to it.

"Isn't this the part when we normally split up and  search for clues? I'm taking my sister with me while you three go together," Shaggy said as he grabs Sadie's wrist and pulls her downstairs.

Sadie looks at the other three.

The three noticed something in her eyes. Something dark.

"Should I go with them?" Daphne asked Fred and  Velma as she was worried about her best friend.

"Yes," Fred said.

Velma nodded agreeing.

Daphne nodded and walk downstairs and catch up to the Rogers siblings. "Wait for me, Shaggs and Sadi."


Sadie Pov

Me, Shaggy and Daphne walk down the steps to the beach with our flashlights.

Fred's Girl II - Fred Jones (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now