Chapter 3: The Grafton Monster

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A couple hours had passed and Isaac no longer was in the forest terrain he immerged into but rather a more flat land of sand and rock. He was approaching the town of Grafton, one of the closes spots he knows he can find shelter at. The sun has already reached the horizon and the night approaches as Isaac enters the town. With the junky looking pipe gun in his hand, Isaac walks the streets of the near abandoned town. He sees all the windows of the buildings shattered and junk all over the sidewalks. Isaac wastes no time and finds a building that looks structurally stable and easy to enter. The door creaks as he opens it and Isaac finds he has entered a old police station. The walls and floors were torn up and moldy, and the faint stench of rotten food is not too far away. Closing the door Isaac begins to search around the waiting room and counter. He finds nothing useful except a stack of newspapers to burn. Continuing on towards the hall behind the counter Isaac sees all the desks and file cabinets that the police would use and begins searching. Sifting through the file cabinets he only is able to find old case files but does come across more bottlecaps which he finds odd because it reminds him of the pouch of caps from the safe back in the beginning of his travel. He doesn't think much of it and stores the caps in his satchel due to them possibly holding some significance. Isaac then begins checking the drawers of the desks and finds much more useful items held within. Upon his searching Isaac finds a pair of handcuffs with the key, more 10mm bullets for his pistol along with shotgun shells, and a holotape. He sticks it in his pip-boy and sees it is titled "Case file 3202-02." The holotape starts to play.

"Case file 3202-02, The disappearance of Robert aka Robbie Cockrell and Peggy Mansfield. The two were last seen leaving town in a cyan colored nuclear roadster vehicle. Upon questioning the friends and family of the victims it was concluded that they were heading to a drive-in outside of Grafton in Clarksburg, but the two never arrived. After a search of the road ways a patrol found their car crushed and totaled off the road. Judging from the front end of the car it appeared they smashed into a tree, but it was never proven as the detectives on the case can't figure out how the car ended up off the road if that were the case. The only place nearby was a hospital but the man inside claimed to have never run into the two as he was out due to the hospital being closed during the night time cause he was the only individual running it. He still remains a suspect in the case, but no other evidence has been found explaining where the two had gone off to."

Isaac looks at the date stamped on the holotape's file and sees that it was prewar.

"Dang, at least those kids didn't see what the world had come to."

Storing the holotape away, Isaac hears a rustle on the other side of the room and draws his pipe rifle quickly. Slowly he approaches where the sound originated and keeps his senses sharp. The origin of the sound came from the captain's office. He blurts out a warning.

"If someone is in there come out now or I'll shoot!"

Isaac hears no response back so he presides to reach for the door handle. Another rustling is heard in the room and a shadow appears over the glass of the door. Before Isaac could speak again the shadow starts rushing to the door and breaks the glass window falling through it. Isaac covers his face from the glass and looks down at the zombie like creature that had burst through the now broken door window. It starts to raise its head and Isaac looks in horror at what looks like a radiated zombie like creature with yellow eyes staring right back at him. As the creature sets it's hand on the ground to get back up Isaac shoots the creature through the head making its body fall once more. The creature's body started to try and gather itself again so Isaac shot it two more times, one through the body and the head again. This time the creature laid dead on the floor. Isaac gave a sigh of relief when he heard movement from upstairs. The rustling and bumping started migrating to the stairs Isaac saw in the hall before.

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