Chapter 6: Brothers Of Steel

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A bright light floods into the freight as Isaac shields his eyes from its overwhelming glow. Next to the open door Hannah stands looking down at Isaac

"C'mon vault dweller, we got a long day a head of us."

Isaac moves about the freight, meeting Hannah at the entrance with a yawn

"What no breakfast?"

Hannah hands Isaac a open can of cram.

"That's all we've got left, I ate my ration so enjoy it cause I don't know when we'll eat again."

Isaac takes the half eaten can of food and sighs at the disappointing look of it.

"The trek for Fort Atlas is about a half a days walk East of here."

Isaac adds in between bites

"Then shouldn't we have started a little earlier, what is it almost 10 o' clock?"

Hannah smirks back at Isaac as she pulls out what looks like a signal flare. Isaac gets confused as Hannah begins to light it.

"The trek would be a half a day's walk on foot, luckily we aren't traveling on foot."

Hannah lights the flare as red smoke starts pouring out of the stick. She throws it a little distance away from them towards the field across the tracks.

Isaac meets Hannah's position and asks

"Are you saying that these brotherhood guys have established transportation?"

Hannah stares up at the smoke as she starts walking towards the flare with Isaac not to far behind.

"These guys really are no joke dweller, they might be the most set up people in Appalachia. Guns, turrets, transport, scouting parties, you name it. They've been scouring around here for months."

Isaac begins to look up at the sky as he hears what sounds like a helicopter approaching. From the horizon of the high trees, a bulky helicopter with propellers on either side of it approaches the smoke. Looking on in fascination, Isaac can't help but admire the brotherhood's capabilities to get transport functioning again. He speaks to Hannah as the propellers of the vehicle shift up to descend down to the ground.

"These guys managed to get vertibirds up and functioning around here?!"

Hannah turns to smile back at Isaac as the vertibird touches the ground.

"Told you this wasteland can still catch you off guard."

Hannah turns back and approaches a man in military fatigues and some light combat armor hanging onto a railing in the air vehicle. He speaks up

"You the one who threw the signal? What's the transport pass code?"

Hannah stares back up to him and utters

"Ad caelum"

The man nods and says

"Alright you two are clear to board."

He makes his way back to the cockpit as Hannah gives herself a boost up into the vertibird. She sits down and tells Isaac

"Well don't just stand there. Hop in unless you wanna walk."

Isaac snaps back after being distracted for so long at the bird's mechanical nature and quickly climbs in to sit across from Hannah. The man turns back from his seat as Hannah gives him the thumbs up and the vertibird engine starts emitting a rising mechanical sound as the helicopter starts leaving the ground and moving east towards Fort Atlas. Isaac looks over the massive greens and rubble of Appalachia from the high point of view. He sees Morgantown Airport's full area coverage before the bird changes positions and just faces the open wildlife of the land. He gets interrupted when Hannah throws a headset on Isaac's lap and he catches it. Isaac looks up to see Hannah with one her head and she points to it signaling him to put it on. Doing as mentioned he places the headset over his head and adjusts the mic speaking into it loudly over the propellers

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