Stiles Stilinski - Lies

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Nobody had expected for you, the quiet girl, to get asked out by Stiles Stilinski, the popular boy. You always had a slight crush on him, I mean how could you not? With his pretty honey eyes and brown hair, good sense of humor and of course the dimples, was he easily one of the most attractive guys from your year.

You, with everyone else, were quite shocked, but of course said yes. Stiles had smiled at that, his eyes sparkling, your heart pounding away in your chest. You were dating for a few months now, and you were really happy. Stiles was the absolute perfect boyfriend, and he meant the world to you.

That day you were staying late at school, you had just gotten out of detention and made your way to your locker when you heard voices. One particular voice stood out, it was Stiles. He was talking to Scott, his best friend. They were standing around the corner. You decided to let them be, not wanting to invade their privacy, but you halted when you heard your name. Now you were curious. You knew it wasn't a good idea, but you inched closer, wanting to hear what they had to say about you.

"When are you gonna end the bet man? Don't you think you're taking this a bit to far?" You frowned, a bet? You shuffled a bit closer and looked around the corner, now being able to see the boys.

"I know, I know." Stiles sounded tired and a bit irritated. He was standing with his back to you, facing Scott. You immediately wanted to comfort him but you were still curious where this conversation was going.

"You know, this is not fair to Y/N. You need to tell her. I mean, who gets into a relationship because of a dare?" Your mouth dropped open and you felt tears sting in your eyes. How could he do this to you? You really thought he liked you, but you were just a stupid bet. You should've known better.

You stumbled a bit forward and that exact moment Scott decided to look up. His eyes went wide, a horrified expression taking over his face. He cursed, what made Stiles turn around. When his eyes fell on your teary ones the only thing he felt was guilt. He opened his mouth, just to close it again, no sound coming out.

"Y/N." He almost whispered, not knowing what else to do. It took you a few seconds to move and when you did you immediately ran out of the school building. You heard Stiles yelling your name, for you to stop, to let him explain, but you didn't stop. You kept running until you reached your car, quickly getting in and desperately searching for your keys.

You felt humiliated and stupid and just wanted to get away from the school, from Stiles. When you found the keys you slammed them into the keyhole and made your way out of the parking lot.

Stiles could only watch your driving car, hands in his hair and with a heavy heart. He felt so immensely stupid. Why did he take the bet? He didn't even know. Maybe to get that bit of confidence he needed to finally ask you out, but now he had messed up, badly. He had wanted to tell you in the beginning but was scared you would leave. Well, you just did.

Stiles squeezed his eyes shut tightly, trying to ignore the wetness behind his eyes. He didn't even notice when Scott jogged over to him, to try to comfort and help his best friend.

"You need to fix this. Now." Stiles looked up at Scott with his eyes full of unshed tears. "How? I can't fucking lose her Scott. I can't-" Stiles' breathing became heavier, it was getting harder to breathe and Scott knew that if he didn't calm him down he would work himself into a panic attack.

"Breathe Stiles, you won't lose her if you just go after her and explain it to her. How much you love her." Stiles' head shot up, you guys had never told each other you loved the other yet. "Love?" Scott breathed out a laugh and shook his head. "You are in love with her man, I can see it. Don't make the mistake of letting her go."

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