two | arguments and explanations

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"So, talk." Stephen's eyes glinted as he placed his cup of coffee down on the table. America and Adelaide both sat in front of him for a while, till finally America spoke, "Demons are finding us again." Stephen spat his coffee back into the cup and exclaimed, "WHAT?!"

"You heard us, dad." Adelaide replied, "Demons have found us again."

"I heard you but it was more like a 'demons are chasing us again' type 'what'." He elaborated before sighing and placing his head in his hands.

"Dad," Adelaide whispered, placing her hand on his arm, "You don't have to fight this battle, I promise."

America's phone rang suddenly and she picked it up before excusing herself to the other room, leaving the father and daughter alone to discuss things.

"What do you mean?" Stephen asked, looking at his daughter, who was making card fans with her runed cards.

"Those demons are after me. The last thing I want to do is put you or America in danger, so I'm gonna find the source of the attack by myself," She placed her cards down, all of which reflected the four of hearts, travel and change on the horizon. "The cards don't lie."

"Adelaide, absolutely not. You are fifteen years old--" She cut him off, "Exactly. I'm fifteen years old and I can manage more than the average thirty year old. Emotionally and physically both."

"I'm going to handle this, and you're going to continue your studies, got it? Because I will not allow my daughter to be a wishy-washy roadside fortune teller because she decided to chase demons across the Multiverse instead of focusing on her studies!" He snapped at her, having stod up, his palms resting on the tabletop.

"Excuse me, last time I checked, my wishy-washy roadside fortune telling predicted out abduction in an unknown universe. Or did you forget me trying to show you the ten of spades constantly and you calling it my 'silly games', huh?" She snapped back. "Don't you get it? I'm more powerful than anyone in Kamar-Taj and the Sanctum combined. I can handle more than you think!"

"Adelaide Donna Strange, think before you speak or else things are gonna end very badly for you!" He hissed angrily, "And before you go around measuring how powerful you are and trying to convince me to allow you into a Multiverse which you know frighteningly little of, think of your mental state right now. Last time I checked, you still had splitting headaches thanks to Wanda's mind control." He saw her frown of confusion and said, "Oh yes, don't think I didn't notice."

"I'm so done with this conversation." She scowled, crossing her arms.

"Well, young lady, I am not! You will stay here, safe, and I will be handling this entire ordeal. End of discussion." He snapped, raising his voice.

That sent Adelaide over the edge, "I am not five years old anymore, Dad! I'm responsible, I can handle this, and you know why I don't want you or America to get roped into this? Because it means that you, or the girl I love to the moon and back can and will DIE! You guys know close to nothing of witchcraft! It isn't sorcery! And I am NOT going to lose anyone else I love to the problems that I am the cause of!"

She stormed out of the room, pushing past America, who have a small start of surprise.

"'Girl I love to the moon and back'?" Stephen whispered, baffled. "What the hell? They haven't told each other the 'L' word yet? It's been a year--"

Adelaide entered her room and shut the door with a sharp 'slam'. She slumped down on her bed and clapped a pillow over her face before groaning in annoyance.

The door clicked open and she felt the bed dip next to her as America sat down. "Hey." The Hispanic superhuman whispered.

"Hi." Adelaide curtly replied. Her head was beginning to pound, making her clutch the pillow till her knuckles went white.

"You okay?" America asked, moving the pillow off the girl's face. The witch put her hands on her head, clutching it tightly and crying out in slight agony as a sharp stab of pain shot through it.

"Querida?" America placed her hand on her shoulder, "Addy?"

"It hurts--" The witch gasped, "It hurts so bad--"

"Shh, don't worry, just come here." America pulled the girl up onto her lap, hugging her tightly. She ran her fingertips up and down Adelaide's spine, whispering soft reassurances in her ear. 

"Does it still hurt?" America asked, letting go of the witch, albeit reluctantly. 

"I does. It's like someone's hitting me over the head with a sledgehammer." Adelaide groaned, holding America again, fisting her shirt in pain. 

"I'm gonna need to call St--" America began to say, but Adelaide cut her off.

"No!" She exclaimed, "Don't call my Dad, America, please." 

"Okay, but the headaches are getting worse, you can't possibly expect me not to tell your dad when they're this bad." Said the Hispanic superhuman. 

Adelaide shuffled down from America's lap and lay on the bed, clutching her head so tight, her fingertips were yellow from the blockage of blood.

"Hey, hey, hey," America peeled the witch's hands from her head and massaged her temples gently, "Don't worry, let it pass over."

"It was supposed to pass over two hugs ago." The witch groaned, placing her hands on top of America's. When the Hispanic superhuman was getting up to move, Adelaide locked her legs around her hips and pulled her back onto the bed, straddling her very promptly. "No." She whispered.

"Adelaide Donna Strange, what are you doing?!" America asked in a flustered gasp. 

"This is the only way I can keep you from telling my dad," Adelaide admitted, "So shush now, don't tell me you want me to get off because that would be a lie." 

America hummed and nodded, wrapping her arms around Adelaide's waist to pull her closer. The witch laughed and moved away to lay down yet again, when her head gave such a nasty throb, she thought it would split open. 

Without thinking of her father downstairs and her girlfriend beside her, she did the most logical thing she could think of in that moment of pure, burning agony.

She screamed.

Boooooooooooooom . 

40 comments to know what happened next, lil petals <3

have a lovely day/night~

With love and hugs,

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