seven | the witches

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Monday came quicker than expected, much to Adelaide's dismay. "So...ready to face your imminent death?" She asked cheerily as she allowed Stephen, America, Clea and Kate to her lair.

"That doesn't sound morbid with the tone you're using." Kate replied.

"She does that when she's nervous, it's kind of a thing." America leaned over to the archer.

"Right, so, I'm going to open a doorway to the gap junction, and neither of you can waste a single split second of time when it's opened. Got it?" Adelaide addressed Kate and America, as she pulled out her black-tipped crystal and began to draw a circle on the floor. A blaze of purple magic came up at every stroke, as she muttered spell after spell in Latin, and inscribed every rune of transportation she knew on the circle's edge.

"There, now I'm going to open this doorway and you two need to just jump in. Dad, Clea, you're handling Dormammu. Kate, America and I will handle Agatha."

Stephen hugged his daughter tightly, kissing her forehead as he said, "Be careful, Adelaide. Please."

"I will be, Dad. I promise." She smiled gently and opened the portal in a rush of magic. She leapt through, and was followed by America and Kate. The portal hissed shut the moment Kate disappeared down it.

All three of them screamed in terror as they went down a sickening void of blackness, which Adelaide knew wasn't the Gap Junction.

They landed in a clearing, around which was a wood denser than any either of them had ever seen before. "Agatha, you little bitch." Adelaide snarled, upon seeing the calmly standing figure of Agatha at the north end of the clearing.

"Adelaide. I see you've made a decision." Said the witch.

"Well, it was my decision to kick your witchy ass, so..." Adelaide gave Agatha a small smirk, "You can say I have."

"Honestly, if I'd known how irritating you are, I'd have never asked you for this." The older witch rolled her eyes.

"Blah, blah, blah, yada yada yada," Adelaide rolled her eyes, "I have to get back in time to watch 'The Penn and Teller Show', so can we speed this up? Y'know, skip the evil villain monologue?"

As she spoke, America appeared behind the witch, slamming her fist into the back of Agatha's head, making the witch crumple to the ground. "Well that was easy." Said the teenage girl.

"Oh honey," Adelaide chuckled, "Nothing magical is ever easy." An arrow whistled past her ear and shot into the darkness, presumably hitting nothing.

"Thought I saw something." Kate frowned.

"You probably did," Said a ressurected Agatha, "Because it was me."

"Motherfucker--" Adelaide summoned her pentagram dial and used it as a sheild as Agatha lashed out at her with a sharp sword-like object. Kate shot arrow after arrow at the approaching demons, who screeched and disintegrated everytime one of the arrows struck them.

"They're endless!" Exclaimed the archer, "And I'm running out of arrows!"

Adelaide parried yet another hit from Agatha, before flicking her wrist and refilling the quiver. "DON'T STOP SHOOTING ARROWS GODDAMNIT!" She yelped, feeling one of a demon's poisonous barbs wedge itself into her shoulder.

Upon hearing the girl's cry of pain, America battled off the last of the demon's coming her way, and immediately turned to lash her whip at Agatha's blade, jerking it out of her hand swiftly. Battle adrenaline courses through her veins like liquid fire, and her vision seemed to sharpen a hundredfold. The older witch exclaimed in shock, and turned around to face America with blazing eyes.

Adelaide felt the poison seep into her bloodstream, black veins of the deadly stuff already webbing out around the wound like cracks in glass. She winced and kneeled down, taking out her rune crystal and placing it on the ground. She muttered a spell, using her hands to make a rune dial, the symbol being one of the forbidden kind, for it was it's reverse.

Kate kept shooting arrow after arrow in every direction, and suddenly fired a trick arrow, which allowed a cracking sheild of electricity to shoot up and around them like a protective dome. She dashed towards Adelaide, and tried checking her over, only to be blasted in the other direction by Agatha's counter-attack against America.

The older witch let loose a bolt of magic, which shot at the fifteen year old girl, who's quick thinking allowed her to form a sheild to deflect it. The trajectory, however, was miscalculated and sent it right at Kate, causing the chain reaction.

"America, Kate, get the hell out of here. Now!" Adelaide snapped, pushing outwards with her right hand as she stood up, making the dial fracture, sending it's shards towards Agatha, who'd already begun to bind America with magic which burned rings into the latter's wrists.

"Hey, Agatha!" Adelaide called out, "That's my girlfriend you're trying to brand. And I'll have you know, my magic works better when I'm pissed."

The purple magic vanished from America's wrists, and a portal opened behind Kate, who was reluctant in leaving as she shot yet another arrow at Agatha.

"Honestly, can't you just die already?" Adelaide winced when Agatha turned around, her eyes glowing brightly.

A strange tingling sensation spread over Adelaide as she felt her black iris bleed into the whites of her eye. It slowly spread to her other eye, too, allowing only the glowing purple iris of her other eye to remain visible.

"Naught John, Naughty John," She recited to warn the other two, "Does his work with his apron on." In her palms slid dual athames, and America said something inaudible to Kate, throwing one last glance at Adelaide before jumping into the rushing portal, knowing that anything she said would be futile.

"Cuts your throat and takes your bones," Adelaide applied a glamour to herself, keeping Agatha's focus in front of her as she appeared behind her, "Sells em off for a couple of stones." She shed her glamour and drove the athame through Agatha from behind, allowing the tip to come out from the witch's stomach. Agatha cried out in agony, as Adelaide let out a manic giggle and yanked the stone weapon out of the witch's stomach and let her fall to the ground, bleeding to death slowly.

"What have you done?" Asked the witch in a wheezing gasp, clutching her stomach as dark crimson blood flowed through her fingers, staining the grass.

"Exactly what I wanted to do from the moment I met you." Adelaide hissed, letting her tendrils of magic wrap themselves around the older witch's neck. "Goodnight." She sniggered and pulled her fingers back sharply into a fist, snapping Agatha's neck once and for all.

"That's what you get for giving me those headaches, bitch." The girl scowled. Her moment of victory, however, was short-lived as she felt a vicious stab of pain flare through her shoulder. She winced and opened another portal with great difficulty, and leapt through it, hoping she got home safely.

Terrible action chapter, honestly. A bit drawn out, I'd say.

I hope you enjoyed it, however!

50 comments for the next chapter, and don't forget to vote!

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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