six | the decision

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Ever since they'd left the Moonshadow residence, things were ridiculously boring for all four of them. As the week passed, Stephen and Clea grew closer, and Adelaide could only wonder why Dormammu was striking at her family again. 

"You look stressed." Wong observed on the sixth evening. "Want to talk about it? Relationship problems, dad problems?"

"Dark Dimension problems, Uncle Wong." Adelaide groaned, resting her head on her crossed arms. "And witch problems." 

"Oh." He said, "What about America, how are things going on with you?" 

At the mention of her, the witch visibly blushed and grinned, "She is my whole entire world. After Dad, of course. But seriously I just want to speed up my aging process so I can marry her." 

"You love her, don't you?" He grinned. 

"So, so much." She smiled. Her gaze travelled to where America was showing a card trick to Clea. "I feel so terrible that she's gotten roped into this dumb sacrifice business all over again." 

"Hey, it's not your fault." Wong said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "This is Dormammu and his stupid tricks, and Agatha with her ridiculous witchy requirements. I know you'll be able to figure things out." 

"I hope so." She admitted. "And I want to make sure nobody gets hurt. If anyone's getting hurt, it's gonna be me." 

"No one is going to get hurt, Lay." He reassured her. "We've defeated Dormammu once, we can do it again." 

She smiled and hugged him saying, "Thanks, Uncle Wong." 

He hugged her back and grinned, "Anytime, little one." 

--Time Skip--

The doorbell rang, interrupting the heated argument about whether Pop Tarts are a better snack food than Cheetos. "I'll get it!" Adelaide called out, dashing to open the door. When she did, a familiar face greeted her with an over-enthusiastic 'Hello'. 

"So, you've made a decision?" Adelaide asked, allowing the archer in. "And you could've just shot me a text." 

"I'm in." Kate nodded. "Ophelia thought it would be better for me to tell you in person. She's kind of weird that way." 

"Perfect." Adelaide smiled. "So, it's a Saturday night, and I prefer going to meet my imminent death on a Monday, usually. I want to make sure that my weekend's not fucked up majorly by anything." 

Stephen came down the stairs in a tuxedo, which made Adelaide snort, "Which 'meeting' are you going for now, dad?" 

"It's with Clea. I'm majorly nervous, right now." He admitted, walking past Kate and greeting her with a hurried 'Hi Kate'. He turned to America, "You're the fashionable one, tell me, am I looking fine?" 

America turned around on the couch, her elbow hanging over the back as she said, "The pocket square's a little much, not gonna lie." 

"I know, right!" Adelaide admitted. She walked up to him and fixed his tie before taking the pocket square and wiping a bit of pizza sauce from the corner of her mouth. "Every time." Stephen sighed, laughing softly. "Every single time." 

"You look better without the pocket square, Dad." Admitted Adelaide. "Trust me." 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He laughed, kissing his daughter on the forehead. "I'll be back late, but Wong's gonna check on you at 11:00, so both of you be in bed by then. And absolutely no funny business." 

"Yeah, Stephen, we get it. Plus, we're fifteen and now our only friends think we're freaks. The worst we'll do is teleport to Brazil or something." America laughed. 

"Please don't teleport to Brazil, I beg of you." Stephen sighed, "The last time you did that, I had to bring you back. Me. Not Addy, not Wong. Me." 

"Dad. Leave before you're late. Showing up even a minute past the decided time o a date is the worst possible impression you can give." Adelaide shooed him out the door. "Have a good time, love you, bye!" She then slammed the door shut, not letting him have a second thought at all.

"You're insane, querida." America chuckled. Kate simply looked confused at the pair, and Adelaide calmly said, "See you Monday, then, Kate." 

"Yeah, yeah. See you on...Monday." Kate said, scowling in confusion.

"Good, good. Bye, then!" Adelaide wiggled her fingers in parting.

The door slammed shut, and the witch leapt on the couch, leaning her head against the Hispanic superhuman's chest as she sighed softly. "Hey, what's up?" America asked, "You look...stressed."

"I'm not stressed, who said I'm stressed?" Asked Adelaide, crossing her arms and leaning into America further.

"That did." The other girl chuckled, referring to the quick reply.

"I think... I'm a bit nervous. About what's going to happen on Monday." Adelaide admitted. "I hate that I've gotten you roped into this dumb tarot stuff, and the witchy business. Plus, I attacked you. I came at you with a knife because I apparently haven't been able to flush out whatever psycho-witch craziness I've had since I was five fucking years old."

"Don't say that. I'm fine. You snapped out of it that's what matters." America said, running a finger down the bridge of the witch's nose.

"You're okay with doing this dumb thing all over again?" Adelaide whispered, looking up at her girlfriend with her two-coloured eyes.

"I'd do it a hundred times over, if it means I can still be with you." Smiled the other girl, leaning down to kiss her forehead gently.

"I love you." Said Adelaide, smiling. Her eyes were closed loosely upon receiving the small kiss.

"I love your too, querida." America smiled, before the pair of them fell asleep, readying themselves for the adventure to come.

Sorry if this post chapter message is a bit dry, little loves, I am physically and mentally exhausted. I managed to write this chapter....

I hope you enjoyed it, however! Don't forget to vote please <3

90 comments for the next chapter, though.

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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