three | needles

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Her screams were like needles piercing America's ears. That's how she could describe it. Needles to the ear. The moment she placed a hand on the girl's cheek she felt a stinging pain in her palm and turned it over to see a rune. 'Agony', it was. 

Stephen burst into the room to see Adelaide writhing about, screaming in utter agony with her eyes squeezed shut. "Why aren't you helping her?!" He exclaimed, pushing America aside. 

"No, don't touch her!" She yelped, feeling the rune on her palm sting, but it was too late. He leapt back with a start of pain and saw that his palm, too, had the agony rune inscribed on it . 

All of a sudden, the witch's agonized screaming stopped. There was a complete silence which blanketed the room temporarily. The sound, however, continued ringing in America's ears. Adelaide's eyes opened to show her black eye having bled into the whites, and her stone athame glinted in her hand, too.

"Naughty John, Naughty John," She giggled manically, "Does his work with his apron on," 

"America, get out of here. Now." Stephen warned, "Before she finishes the poem." 

"Cuts your throat and takes your bone, sells 'em off for a couple of stones." Adelaide cackled and lunged at America, who yelped and fell back, hastily grabbing for her sling ring. When she couldn't find it, she whispered, "Sorry about this, querida." And flipped the girl over, so America was straddling her hips. 

"Stephen, help!" She exclaimed, pinning Adelaide's arms down so that she could take away the stone dagger. Stephen placed his hands to the sides of his daughter's head, and muttered something in Sanskrit. A burst of orange light escaped his fingers and went into her, making the witch gasp and writhe about in pain under America's strong grip.

Adelaide finally stopped, and sat up, looking around curiously. "What the hell?" She whispered, her beady black eye having gone back to normal. "Did it happen again?" She looked at Stephen. He nodded sadly and she looked down, ashamed. She pushed America off her gently, and said, "Can you guys leave me alone for a bit? Please?" 

"Sure, sweetheart." Stephen nodded. "I'll be back in an hour to check on you, okay, querida?" America added before both she and Stephen stepped out the door.

Adelaide couldn't help but put her head in her hands and sob. 'I'm an uncontrollable monster,' She thought to herself. 'Nothing more, nothing less.'

"It's true." Came a voice from in front of her. "You are a monster." 

Without thinking, Adelaide grabbed her athame and threw it, only for the person to catch it and drop it down with a dull clatter. It was a woman who had spoken, with curly black hair and the witch's attire from the 1600s. That too, the style of Salem.

"Who the hell are you?" Adelaide asked, standing up carefully, her hand inching to the letter-opener on her desk. Something conveniently stolen from an antique shop down the street. "And what are you doing here, in my room?" 

"I'd like to talk," Said the woman. "Bargain, if you will."

"Yeah. And twenty years down the line, I'll be telling my wife about that one time a pedophile entered my room, asking to talk," Adelaide rolled her eyes, "You look, sound and act like one, you know? A pedo." 

The woman closed her eyes slowly in annoyance and opened them again, "You infuriate me." 

"I got that from Wanda, I'm getting it from you," The younger witch picked up the letter opener and ran a finger carefully down the sharp part of it, miraculously not cutting herself, "It doesn't make any much of a difference to me now, than it did then. So state your business unless you want your cause of death to be a letter opener."

"Why a child of your generation has a letter opener with her is beyond my reckoning," Said the woman, "You may call me Agatha." 

"Well, Agatha, I'm running out of patience." Adelaide rolled her eyes.

"My bargain is this; you give me America Chavez, the Multiverse hopper, or you become my eternal apprentice. I know of your power well enough." Agatha replied. 

"First of all, America isn't mine or an object that I can just give her to you. And second, being your apprentice would mean scrubbing your disgusting feet or get you dangerous ingredients, both of which could be life threatening for me." The younger witch smirked. "So how" 

Her black eye bled into its whites as she summoned a demon, black, snarling and hissing with gleaming red eyes like rubies. It took to the shape of a massive dog. "Agatha, meet Mrs. O'Leary the Hellhound. Named after the book character, and rightly so. Now, get the hell out of my life and this earth in general, before you're ripped to shreds. The choice is yours." 

Agatha suddenly shed her glamour and appeared behind Adelaide and said, "You know, baby witch, when you're facing someone of higher power than you, you need to have eyes at the back of your head." Adelaide turned her head slightly, not looking back entirely as she laughed, "Who says I don't?" 

Within seconds, she had Agatha by the throat and was ready to snap her neck when a voice from outside the door came, "Querida? You good?" 

"Yeah, I'm okay, sweetheart!" She called back, "Give me a second I'll be right out." She turned back to Agatha, "Stay away from my girlfriend, and stay away from my family, got it? Because next time, I'll show no mercy, and I will not let you leave this place alive." 

Taking her words to heart, Agatha vanished, leaving a sense of dread behind her. Adelaide opened the door, only for America to hurtle herself towards her and hug her tightly. "I wasn't expecting a hello like this." Adelaide laughed, hugging the Hispanic superhuman back. 

"You freaking attacked me." America laughed, pushing the girl off her. Adelaide's eyes were half-closed as she whined, holding loosely onto the superhuman's forearms, "I know, I know. I didn't mean to, though." 

"I know you didn't," Laughed America. An idea struck her, and she smirked, "I do know how you can make it up to me, though." Adelaide immediately caught on, and pulled the other girl closer to her, placing her hands on America's hips. "I'll made it up to you well, then." 

With those words, she kicked the door shut and latched it.

BEFORE ANY ONE OF YOU NASTIES THINK IT'S SEGGS, I WILL TELL YOU THAT IT'S NOT. I might include it in the next chapter, what went on behind that closed door, if you'd like. lmk if you want me to write what happened, mkay? 

40 comments for the next chapter, lil petals <3 and don't forget to vote <3

(btw, i am LOVING the outfit. It is on POINT.) 

Have a fabulous day/night!

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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