Package from the future!

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James potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were planning a prank on the Gryffindor princesses....Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon and Alice Prewett.

Just as they were about to start it, the head boy Andrew Miles shouts "Everyone to be present in the Great Hall immediately!". "Why?""What happened""So sudden" were heard amongst the students. "Prongs, what do you think happened?"Sirius asked, "I dont know Padfoot"James replied."Let's go the great hall and see it ourselves guys"Remus said.

As the marauders entered the great hall they saw everyone else with confused looks on their faces just as much as they had on their faces.James being James saw Lily and shouted "Evans, care to go on a date with me" with that grin on his face.Lily rolled her eyes and went to sit with her friends. The marauders were the last to settle down and once they did they could not help but look towards the slytherin table. They all knew they were looking at the the group of three which had regulus black, sirius's twin, myra crypus a sweet pureblooded witch from france complete opposite of the Pureblood supremacy and the mysterious beautiful girl Delaney R.

Sirius, James and Remus know that each of these 3 is looking at her though one of them looked at her a little more intently than the other two. The marauders were curious about her as she was a transfer student from Durmstrang in third year.It was puzzling how she was the only the girl accepted in an all boys school. They would admit, she is the most beautiful girl in their year in hogwarts. She is mysterious as she is seen not talking to people a lot except for mcgonagall, dumbledore- though rarely, myra her bestie and regulus.
back to the topic....

"There was a letter that was delivered to me in the morning today it said" started dumbledore, "I would like to read it to you says
To Prof.Dumbledore
This may come as a surprise but yes this letter is from the future.Attached to this letter you will find a courier that contains 8 movies, the set up and required materials are already taken care of. These movies are from the future and are being sent as the future has seen too many dark surprises and mysteries solved. A great war took place leaving many families destructed. Hence we figured it out that it would be best to protect it by changing in the past. We shall accompany you and our lot shall arrive within a few minuted before 6 pm.Time will freeze and  no dangerous magic shall take place in the great hall to avoid mishaps from triggers in the movie.See you soon

H.J.P, L.S.B, H.J.G, R.B.W

everyone in the great hall was looking and talking about the future and what these movies meant."Wow movies from future, i wonder who stole Delaney's heart" said myra grinning from ear to ear. "Well..the question is did 'he' manage to make her his or not" said regulus with a smirk.But Delaney was deafened from the conversation as she was in deep thought, 'A great war? Destruction...are the mysteries more unravelling, has the damage done so big that they had to change the future' "Earth to delaney!" screamed myra and regulus. "Whatever" delaney said while rolling her eyes.

"Woah maybe James married Lily" said peter. James just smiled but Remus and Sirius knew exactly what he was questing himself as they were also questioning themselves same thing...'What mystery and truth are to be unfolded'.

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