Woah Our kids!

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A bright light flashed and there were 8 kids standing. "Ouch my hair!""Look where you keep your leg""Jeez calm dow" until a girl with bushy hair shushed them all and looked around at the people.A few minutes before only Abraxious malfoy, Orion black , Walburga black, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Bellatrix lestrange, Andormeda tonks, molly and arthur weasley and all other people arrived. 

Dumbledore asked "Who are you all?" "Professor...we are from the future, let us introduce ourselves"said a boy who seemed sweet. "Guess i should start.."started the girl with busy hair.."I'm Hermione Granger, muggleborn" at this some purebloods sneered. " Im Neville longbottom son of Alice and Frank Longbottom" at this alice started blushing. "Im Draco Malfoy son of Narcissa and Lucious Malfoy" said a boy with blond hair. "Im Ginny Weasley the only daughter of molly and arthur weasley" said a girl with red hair. "Im Ronald Weasley youngest son of molly and arthur weasley" said a boy with red hair. "Im luna lovegood daughter of pandora and xenophilus lovegood" said a girl with blonde hair. "Im Leo Black" said a handsome boy with a wink and smirk "and my parents are non other than Sirius Black and Remus lupin" he said looking at the hall as if daring anyone to insult them. Remus looks at the boy shocked and Sirius just grins and says "Well moony, looks like you are stuck with me eh" he said with a grin matching Leo's. The boy with dark messy hair, beautiful blue-green eyes looks and handsome said "Im Harry Potter, son of Delaney and James Potter".

At this the hall is in a complete silence while James looks at his son and Sirius and Remus stared shocked at him, at the slytherin table an unnoticeable tear falls down delaney's cheek before she wipes it and stares stunned. After a few minutes the hall breaks down into whispers while remus and sirius congratulate james who has a huge grin on his face while regulus and myra tease delaney."Looks like he did win you" myra said with a wink.
Everyone goes to sit between their parents while Harry goes and sits with James while telling delaney.."It's ok you dont have to come now maybe you can come and sit when you feel really comfortable" to which delaney gave a hearty smile which melted james and made him more lovesick than ever.No one noticed the jealousy in eyes of two boys.

"I suppose we should start with the movies" said Dumbledore. Hermione, Ginny and Luna do the arrangements and start the movies...

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone"

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