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Harry awkwardly shakes hand with prof.quirell who looks like he is about to piss in his pants any moment.

"He's the defence against the dark arts teacher?"remous asks incredulously. "I feel bad for students failing in dada for his so called defence teaching"myra said and marlene, lily, alice and remus laugh which was joined by sirius and james though those both looked surprised at this so called friend group.

Hagrid takes harry to diagon alley where harry goes to ollivander's. 

"Ah i remember the time i got my wand"sirius talks like an old man. "Yeah right after you sent flying needles in madam malkins"james teases.Sirius was about to say smoething when remus puts a hand on his mouth and shuts him up immediately. Leo looks at this smiles while harry holds his hand.

"Hello?"he asks in the darkness. An old man's face emerges and soon ollivander comes into view."Ah Harry Potter"he says and traces with a finger his scar. Harry looks stunned. "I remember your parents wands. 11", Mahogany, pliable...extraordinary wand for trnasfiguration..suited your father well."

James looks proud at the screen while many people look at him surprised at him having some of the best wands combination."

As for your mother...that wand always seems a mystery"his eyes seem to stare into a far away zone.

delaney looks down when people look at her 

 "Well let's find a wand for you", harry tries multiple wands until they find one. "Curious, very curious"ollivander says. "I'm sorry but what's curious?"harry asks him. "I remember each and every wand i have sold mr.potter with the most precise details. Somehow your mother's wand had always peaked my interest because no matter how much hard i or any other wand maker tried or tries, we cannot remember 100% of the details." 

'was this really necessary'delaney thought to herself while many look at her intrigued.She hated this look and she hated the fact that people were going to her real self.She did not want that under any circumstances.She swore she would never let anyone know but considering she will be married to James potter in the future, maybe he knows and now that these movies tell everything, they are going to know her...and they might-no..will end up hating her.James saw her and found scared in her emotions and said "you are full of surprised but don't worry about things"..it helped her worry..little less

" But the curious thing is that your wand has the feather of the phoenix that only two other wands share and one of them is your mother's. Your wand has something similar to your mother's wand and gives me the sense of one of the biggest assets for something in the future"

delaney looks at harry is shock and pride though a hint of fear can be detected. James looks confused but then just smiles and harry looks at them and everyone smiles at the family, though some thoughts run as "what is the thing with power and these two?"

 "Who is the owner of the third wand?"harry asks curiously. "Oh we do not take his name mr.potter"ollivander says and harry exists the place after paying. 

"Your wands share the same core as you-know-who?" a ravenclaw asks delaney and harry. "I thought ollivander said it in english"delaney and harry say which makes their friends and everyone to laugh while james looks lovingly at his future wife and son.

Harry is in deep thought when hagrid comes holding a snowy owl. "Thought i would get you a present"he says and gives it to him.

"Aww how cute"alice and lily gush.Delaney and James mouth 'thank you' again but swore to get him presents and spoil him, though they know he would completely not be spoilt. Remus and Sirius promised to make thier godson have best days of their life while remus and delaney secretly wished for seeing the love growing between leo and harry.

"Thanks hagrid"harry says smiling while hagrid frowns and asks "What's the matter harry?". Harry and Hagrid are sitting while eating when harry asks "The dark wizard who killed my parents gave me this scar, what happened that night hagrid?"harry asks. "Those were dark times harry, dark times. Your parents were into hiding when he came. Your mother did not move and died protecting you.When he shot the curse at you, the spell backfired and left you with the scar." "What's his name?" Hagrid stammers and when harry asks him to write he says "alright his name is vo-vol-voldemort" "voldemort"harry repeats and hagrid shushes him. "People dont say his name out aloud harry" and harry nods. "What happened to you-know-who?" harry asks. "Some reckon he died, but dumbledore believes and so do i that he is out there, trying to gain followers and complete what he started with"hagrid replies.

James looks sad while delaney is in deep thought 'if things seem to go by as predicted, why try changing the future?'

Hagrid is seen leaving with harry following him in deep thought when he bumps into a boy with dark hair and grey eyes. "Sorry"they both mutter to each other. The boy chuckles and says "sorry i wasn't looking" while harry smiles and says"im sorry i wasnt paying attention" just as harry opened his mouth hagrid says "Harry hurry up" "I'll meet you on train"the boy said and rushed quickly with a little redness in his cheeks. 

"awww someone's got a crush" hermione, ginny, ron, remus and regulus say while rest laugh at their so called blush faces. "Aww love"harry whispers to leo. James and sirius look at them shocked as if not having the idea that they were together."You both- but-" remus puts his hand on his mouth..again to shut him up. James was about to say something that looked like he would ask leo to back off when delaney holds his arm and pulls him down saying "Focus here" and rolls here eyes James seems to shut by this.

harry smiles too and follows hagrid. Hagrid gives him a ticket and says "Board the express on 1sep will ya'".when harry sees 9 3/4 he asks "there's no station as 9 three-quarters hagrid"but by that time hagrid was gone. Harry goes back home with a smile on his face.

"how are you gonna reach the platform" regulus asks with an emotion never seen from him...worried "i got help"harry says and him,ron and ginny share a smile.

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