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dursleys drop off harry at the station laughing while saying "well boy, enjoy your trip to platform 9 three quarters" and ride back.

"Petunia has dropped me multiple times how does she not tell him and pretend she doesn't know where it is?!!"lily rages. marlene calms her down again..common sight.

Harry looks around trying to figure out until he approaches a security and asks "excuse me sir, could you please tell me the way to platform 9 3/4?" the security looks at him incredulously and says "Are you trying to pull a prank get out!" harry frantically looks until he hears a women with family of redheads scream "Come on..platform nine three quarters this way we are gonna be late"

"MOLLY!"the prewett twins scream "I see arthur kept you engaged""oh dear sister how fun"they tease while wiggling their eyebrows. "Wait...if i have a son that mean's moon-"remus slapped sirius' head before he could complete the sentence. "Wait..does that mean me and de-"delaney slaps james' head to stop him from talking."wow realization be like"myra and regulus say.

"Ok fred you first" "he's not fred i am fred""honestly woman you call yourself our mother" the red head twins say "oh im sorry george"the lady says "Im joking, im only fred"the boy says and goes in followed by his twin.

"WE LOVE THEM!"james, sirius and the prewett twins tell, while the hall erupts in laughter.

Harry approaches them and asks "excuse me um- could you-uh-""tell you how to get on the platform? well dear you just have to run straight through the fall and run till you reach the platform. you can close your eyes if you want"she tells him kindly "Good luck"the small redhead girl wishes him. Harry closes his eyes and runs straight through the wall and when he feels he reached the platform he opens his eyes and sees the platform and hogwarts express.

"WOOO"the marauders scream.

Harry goes inside and finds an empty compartment and sits there until a redhead who he saw with that family opening the door and asking "hey um..do you mind if i sit here?" "no problem"harry tells and he sits down. "I'm ron, ron weasley" "I'm harry potter" "woah..do u um have the" "the what?""the scar" "oh yeah" and harry lifts up his hair to show his scar "wicked!" they start talking about families, wizarding world and harry buys chocolate frogs and gets ron lots of candies. "Hey i got dumbledore!"

dumbledore smiles at this happy that he was his first card

 "oh i have about 500 of them" "he's gone!""well you don't expect him to stay all day do you" "well in muggle world people dont move in pictures" weird" just as they were chatting the boy who harry bumped into in diagon alley came and said "hey..do you guys mind if i sit here?" "ofc no problem"harry says a little too quickly. 

"aww little crushie i see"regulus teases harry regardless of what his parents think. Lily teases "reggie becoming cotton candy again" he rolls his eyes while myra slaps his arm lightly.

He just laughs and the boy sits beside harry. "Hey leo! got bored of your cousin huh?" "ahh dont tell me ron, i never wanted to sit with that little piece of bleached hair but he kept dragged me there and they kept talking about purity and houses and i just lost my interest so i came looking to sit somewhere else"leo said.

"little piece of bleached hair"sirius and james laugh along with others while the malfoys fume. Narcissa cracks a small smile and Bellatrix and andromeda laugh loudly.Delaney smiles and shakes her head at the humour. "Now we see he got mine and remus's genes"regulus says smugly while sirius looks shocked at remus' laughter and agreement. "FINE BETRAY ME WITH MY BROTHER"he pouts while james whishpers "dramatic much"to delaney ..who had a blush and marlene and myra scream at this though become quite quickly because of her galre..that woman oof

  "Well last time i couldn't catch your name i'm leo"he said with a wink. "I'm harry" "harry potter?" "yeah" "he even has that cool scar"ron butted in. harry laughs and lifts his hair up and leo sees the scar with a sad expression but shakes his head and continues  when a boy with platinum blond hair comes followed by two big and buffy boys."Rumour has it that harry potter has come to hogwarts is it true"he said while looking at harry and then galring at leo. "This crabbe and goyle and im malfoy, draco malfoy"he says smugly." "Sod off malfoy""shut up you disgrace of a cousin" he looks at weasley and says to harry "soon potter you'll realise that some  wizarding families are better than others potter. I can help you with that"draco said while reaching his had out for a handshake. Harry looks at ron, leo and draco and says "Thanks but i cant sory out the wrong ones myself"he said "You'll regret this potter" "just go kiss your dad's shoes because that's what you are good at"leo replied and draco went. 

"YESS TELL HIM HARRY"james shouts. Malfoys looked like they were about to blast and almsot lost their temper when the black sisters started alughing at this. 'i hope everything becomes better after this'andromeda thinks. little did they know it was the same thought amongst the black family kids.

"How are you both cousins?"harry asks "My dad is his mother's cousin.honestly i get it now why dad loved aunt cissa and not lucious malfoy"he says.

sirius looks surprised at this and looks at narcissa, they both share the same confused look. regulus and andromeda smile at this while bellatrix wished she could change and keep this moment forever...surprising she thought to herself and shrugged off the thought.

  Ron changes the topic by saying "You guys wanna see a spell fred and george gave me to turn him yellow?"ron asks pointing at his rat. "I'm sure it ain't a real spell"leo whispers to harry and they boht snigger and nod. Ron was about to say the spell when a girl with bushy hair comes into the compartment and asks "has anyone seen a toad? a boy names neville has lost it"she sees ron with the wand and asks "oh are you performing magic, well lets see" she says. Ron clears his throat and says "Sunshine daisies butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow" and nothing happens. They just laugh while leo and harry hi-five each other. 

"i see how much guys trust in me"ron says while rolling his eyes while the potters, blacks and weasleys laugh at this along with remus, marlene, lily, alice and myra.

"Well that's not a real spell is it"she says "I have learnt a couple of them"and proceeds to sit beside ron opposite to harry.She points her wand at harry's glasses and says "occulus reparo" and the cellotape vanishes leaving harry's glasses in good unbroken condition.

"useful spell for you harry"ginny tease while the hall erupts in laughter and harry hides himself into leo. James looked like he was gonna sy something when one look from delaney shut him up

 She sees the scar and says "holy shit you're harry potter, you're all over the books"she said. "Well i suggest you guys change because we'll be reaching hogwarts soon"she tells and goes. "mental that one im telling you"ron says and while they laugh the rest of the journey.

"YES WE ENTER HOGWARTS"the marauders scream.

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