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Draco kept making fun of the Gryffindor quidditch team saying how even a toad on a broom would play better than them. "Shut up Malfoy!"Harry screams. "You are just pissed because your plans of expelling worked the complete opposite and earned him a position on the team in his first year" Ron retorted.

"Good one ron!" everyone screams in the great hall except for slytherins while ron turnes red.

 "If you are brave potter then meet me tonight at the trophy room at midnight for a duel" Malfoy said, smirking.

"Are you stupid enough to actually go?"Delaney asks with a roll. "Sorry"harry grins but it fades when he realizes Delaney overhtought of the fact that he didnt say sorry mum and just kissed her cheek saying, "guess some of dad's gene came into play that time mum" which was followed by a "hey!" from james while marauders, myra, regulus and potters with friends started laughing.

 "What's a wizard's duel?" harry asked. "A real wizard's duel is a fight, but all you guys might be using is simple ridiculous spells," ron said. That night when they were about to leave Hermione said "I could help but overhear your conversation" "Oh please don't make our problems worse" Ron said. 

"Ron! How rude"molly says while smacking her son at the head.

Hermione ignored him and said "I don't think malfoy would show up. You guys could lose us points let's just go back it's past curfew" "No one asked you to join us if you want you can go back"ron said. But by the time Hermione turned back the fat lady had already left and she had no choice but to follow them. When it was midnight and malfoy was nowhere to be seen, they hear filch's voice saying"Sniff my dear cat, time to find the naughty students who are past the curfew".

"Oh god filch" remus says. "Please tell me you guys didn't get into truble" Myra says. "I think they are smart enough to not get caught" regulus said. "Where are you leo?" Sirius asks. "Um...i um..was..uh..sleeping" Leo said to which the golden quad three members started smirking "sure you were" Ron said.Sirius and remus looked at them curiously but all Harry said was"U'll get to know soon enough"

 Harry, Hermione and Ron rushed and got caught up with the moving stairs until they reach into a deserted corridor. "where are we?" Harry asks. "Oh god we are in the third-floor corridor. This is strictly prohibited"hermione rambles. 

"I think you guys should leave asap" Euphemia says.

they hear filch's voice close and run till the dead end where there is a locked door. "Wow a locked door we are doomed!"ron cries. "Oh shut up, "hermioned says. She points her wand at the locked door and says "Alohomora" and unlocks it.

"Thats astonishing" remus says to which hermione blushes.

 Wow is all Ron could muster. They get inside and close the door. They heard a low growl and turned back to see a three-headed dog. They scream and rush back to the gryffindor tower and inside without getting caught.

"What is a three-headed dog doing in a castle full of children"the moms scream. "Dumbledore what are you thinking in the future," delaney thinks.

 hermione says "Im going to bed before either of you comes up with an idea to get us killed or worse expelled" and goes off.

"Being killed is better than being expelled" Regulus says with surprise on his face. everyone just laughs at this.

"What's her problem" ron replied. 

When Ron and harry go into the dorm harry goes to Leo's dorm to see where he was until he sees."MERLIN'S BEARD"HE SCREAMS. Leo looked at him surprised and shamed while the girl next to him ran out. "What the hell!?" Leo screamed. "what do you think you are doing?"

"I THINK I SHOULD ASK THE SAME QUESTION"Remus screams. "Ig i got dad's genes papa,"leo says with a grin while sirius just looks at Remus and says "he is not worng"Remus just slaps sirius on his head.

"what does it look like" eww it was disgusting to witness..anyways I had to tell you what happened" Harry said and continued with the story. He didn't notice the look on Leo's face.

remus just hugs Leo knowing that look very well. Delaney notices this and smiles a bit at least they get them'

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